[FREE] noia abduction


Welcome to noia_abdução - my first script for RedM

Walk in pre-configured zones and be abducted by a UFO. He will do the entire abduction process and take the player to the ground again.

This is the first version, and I want to add it so that when being abducted, hunger and thirst are removed or drastically reduced.

It’s part of my Halloween project, and since it’s my first script, there should be bugs, and redundancies, and I’d be happy with the community’s support to improve

LINK GitHub - NOIACAST-br/noia_abduction: Simple script for Halloween

| Code is accessible | Yes
| Subscription-based | No
| Lines (approximately) | 300
| Requirements | No
| Support | Yes

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UPDATE 1.0.1:

  • Spawn fix: before, when multiple players entered the zone, it requested the client spawn for each, now, the server is responsible for the spawn and UFO limit, and randomly chooses the player who entered the zone
  • Removed UFO spawn limit from the zone (default is only 1 per zone to not generate bug)
  • Added zone entry and exit messages in config