[FREE] Lock Picking Minigame

Doesnt seem to do anything when you trigger a red pin

Probably not sending the correct params through. Make sure the first parameter is either a string (ā€œlockpickā€) or a float (0.5)

exports[ā€œt3_lockpickā€]:startLockpick([item or strength], difficulty, pins)

I only used this was I supposed to use the whole other thing in the read me?

local item = usingAdvanced and ā€˜advancedlockpickā€™ or ā€˜lockpickā€™
local difficulty = usingAdvanced and Config.AdvancedDifficulty or Config.BasicDifficulty
local pins = usingAdvanced and Config.AdvancedPins or Config.BasicPins
local success = exports[ā€œt3_lockpickā€]:startLockpick(item, difficulty, pins)

            if success then
                TriggerServerEvent('qb-houserobbery:server:enterHouse', closestHouse)
                QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t('success.worked'), 'success', 2500)
                if usingAdvanced and math.random(1, 100) <= Config.ChanceToBreakAdvancedLockPick then
                    TriggerEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', QBCore.Shared.Items['advancedlockpick'], 'remove')
                elseif not usingAdvanced and math.random(1, 100) <= Config.ChanceToBreakLockPick then
                    TriggerEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', QBCore.Shared.Items['lockpick'], 'remove')

this is how i have it

if somebody is searching for the car script with this minigame, i have found it, your welcome

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