[Free] Glowing Buttons [Ox Inventory]

sorry :pray:, I can’t share it right now, maybe later, but you can also make your own as long as you know the basics of css/scss, and read the documentation from overextended for Building inventory UI

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for everyone not understanding. He is still LEARNING please have respect and give usefull tips and tricks. Dont be a d*ck and say that you can do it better, you may can but you started at 0 as well!


thank you,

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bro thats is very nice… r u selling this?

css clean my discord oscar9707

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could you send me your design over I love it

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You did a wonderful job!

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Send it to me if you can.

You will send me ui of this ox inventory Dowload

keren bg , bisa kaleeeee wkwwkwkw

Can you share it

Why would i do it for free -_- so no

How much is the charge

build aja sendiri, gampang kok itu :joy:, itu desainan ku pertama kali di ox_inventory, kalau sekarang sudah beda lagi :yum:

Sorry, I can’t send it, because I customized my own ui a long time ago, and it’s gone, now it’s a different ui that I customized myself and it belongs to my private server. :pray:

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Mine in game look like this atm, still a wip