[FREE] FL-Notify

I know that you are the owner of this script. The code is ready, like anyone who can write a notification script

I have absolutely no clue what u mean. but onces again. Ive provided the examples

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ITs opensource brother:)

juicy notify

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: heheheh

Hi, may i know how do you replace oxlib notify with this? Ive tried replacing other but unable to make it work with oxlib, can you please help? Thanks!

When installing/editing the frontend i am greeted with 163 vulnerabilities (1 low, 121 moderate, 38 high, 3 critical) and Audit makes it worse. OP might need to update and fix this, possibly add optimizations too?

If you still need to test it this should work:

ox_lib > resource > interface > client > notify.lua

---@param data NotifyProps
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-set-field
function lib.notify(data)
    -- Extract notification properties
    local title = data.title or "Notification"
    local subtitle = data.subtitle or ""
    local content = data.description or ""
    local duration = data.duration or 5000
    -- Map notification type to the required theme
    local typeMapping = {
        error = 1,
        success = 2,
        info = 3,
        person = 4,
        police = 5,
        money = 6,
        custom = 8
    local notificationType = typeMapping[data.type] or 3 -- Default to info if type is not specified

    -- Map position (optional, default to 0: Top)
    local position = data.position or 3

    -- Trigger the notification using the FL-Notify system
    exports['FL-Notify']:Notify(title, subtitle, content, duration, notificationType, position)
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Hey Tradie1, thanks for the heads-up! Just wanted to let you know that the frontend is open source, so you will need to build it after making any edits. This should help address the vulnerabilities and optimizations youre encountering. If you push a PR i can review it and if it fits verify it :slight_smile:

Ive forgot to mention that this Notifysystem is community driven from my last push on Github. If you want to push a PR do it and Ill take a look and review it and pull it.

Thanks again