[FREE][ESX] 🚓 Menu Extra (police)

At this line it is the job verification, look at line 2 that the Trigger ESX has been modified (that of your ESX) and if it still does not work, look at another script of yours or there is a job verification and replace it on my script :slight_smile: @OtterKingGaming

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i got everything working so far, but when i stand on the field with a matching vehicle it says i’m too far from the point

Go clienht.lua, lines : 141.
Edit the vector3()

elseif #(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) - vector3(-1077.71, -845.60, 4.57)) >= 5.0 then

The script only prints the name of the vehicle and doesn’t open the menu, what’s wrong? I have no errors and I have my ESX trigger

Is it an import vehicle?

Are there any plans to make this work for QB?

Yeah It’s an addon vehicle

QBCORE : by @Kaizen-DFA GitHub - Kaizen-DFA/menu-extra: (W.I.P fork for QBCore)

:us: Removal of the script from Tebex and it is therefore only available on github (In order to keep a single place where the script remains up to date)

:fr: Retrait du script sur Tebex et il est donc seulement disponible sur github (Afin de garder un seul endroit oĂč le script reste Ă  jour)