[FREE] [ESX] [LSRP] Vehicleshop

yes I know what caused it I inquired but maybe you have an idea of how to avoid this?

By… reducing polygons & optimizing your addon vehicles

It is already very strange that the Boats dealer no Npc stands furthermore if one adds a new store the whole Script does not go there it always again a showcaseVehicle to have would like if one adds it with goes the Script again rum not knows one a solution ?

Possibly someone has already changed a couple of things in the config for the purpose of stores added several stores and can provide it to me who nice thanks!

Anyone know where to add exports for give key exports?

hey, is it possible that you can make a qbcore version out of this?

Když si koupíš auto přes hotovost tak cash ti to vezme ale auto nedostaneš neví někdo co s tím?/
If you buy a car with cash, the cash will be taken from you but you won’t get the car, does anyone know what to do with that?

How would i add a car to a persons garage? :slight_smile:

Updated preview and script as well, misc fixed for showcase vehicles

Im having a problem with player getting stuck inside the vehicle, sometime the menu messes up and doesnt show the cars after tabing out of fivem.

When I get my cars out of the garage they spawn broken? i tried to add the vehiclespawncoords multiple times but the car always spawns in the garage, not at the spawnpoint?

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Hey, I hope you’re having a good day, but I installed the script, it doesn’t give an error, but the npc doesn’t appear or I left to open any kind of menu to see the cars, how could I fix it?

Hey, the resource works perfectly! But 1 thing. When I start or restart the resource I get this warning:
Warning: could not load ‘locales/en.json’

What should I do? In the en.json is nothing wrong? Also in the config.lua is not a locale = ‘…’ , How can I choose between the locales?

When I buy a vehicle they don’t spawn me and this appears on the f8, does anyone know the solution?

When I buy the vehicle it doesn’t recognize anything and I can’t close it or keep it in the garage, I have to confiscate it

me to i have this error

Hello, where can i add export for when i buy a car with the vehicle shop? my garage system uses its own system instead of owned_vehicles. i need to add an export so each car goes in to the system?

vehicle colors do not save

Hello, I get this error when I try to buy with my money in the bank. Any solution?

I also got this error this and when i buy a vehicle on car shop it gives me keys whit renzu_garage but wen i buy a boat or a plane it gives no key and if i make another car shop the car spawns and the renzu_garage dont detects the vehicle and dont give me the key any help ?

I did not use this script, can you choose?
I’m going to use Chezza’s Inventory