[Free][ESX] Garages & Impounds

Thanks for the release bud, works brilliantly, was having the same issue as others was with the vehicle damage not saving, well it was, only it was removing all panels from the vehicles instead of tyre damage etc, so i’ve just removed that section completely, so now my cars will be repaired when stored, it’s unfortunate but needs must untill i have a chance to check the SQL calls for the damage.

I wish they would put that on it tbh, only garage working on my server

Works great. I had the issue where it displays “NULL” in garage for custom vehicles.

Did like luke said, just went into my client lua and added

** AddTextEntry(“RS72020”, “Audi RS7”)**
** AddTextEntry(“vehicle spawn/model name”, “display name you want”)**

Worked great. Thanks for this release man.

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Hey can you add support for Script jsfour-licenseplate (GitHub - jonassvensson4/jsfour-licenseplate: A script that lets you create your own license plate) please?

If i edit the license plate then i cant store the vehicle anymore.

IMPORTANT: Cars always say “Out” when you open the garage? - Replace true and false everywhere where there is v.stored == true or v.stored == false to 1 for true and 0 for false, if this doesn’t work try it vice-versa.

i tried this and says cars are out but they are in and it duplicating cars

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I changed it form 1 to true and 0 to false and for me that work.
With 0 and 1 I have the same problem so try true and false

how do i fix where whenever i try to take out a addon car it doesnt say null

how is the impound infrastructure working? as far as removing vehicles from owners garages and such. i wrote an impound personally to run alongside esx_vehicleshop but no matter what i do if a vehicle is impounded they can just go to the garage and spawn it to get around the impound part of everything.

Hi is there any solution fix for saving car colors for custom / addon cars? Everytime I take a vehicle out of the garage the car shows a different color … Thx

whenever I buy a vehicle and try to store it, it says “You do not own this vehicle.” How can I fix this

already test it and it work perfectly . but i have one question . i have addon car . already make vehicles_names but looks like not all addon car will have name . some of them show NULL

EDIT : nvm i already fixed it . typo on vehicle name

Same issue, all my addons say NULL even with names.lua

I dont know . why today the script is broken . i have using the script like almost 14 days and now its broke . when try to press E it’s kick me and show

Disconnected by server. Reliable network event overflow

So for now im using other script until i can get answer from you . thanks

That doesn’t sound like an issue with my resource, not sure what it is.

nvm let me check for a while

She can’t display Chinese correctly. What should I change?

That sounds like an issue with WarMenu, nothing I can do really.

so this works completely for pdm cars but not imported cars at premium dealership anyidea how i can fix this

Can u show me how can i use your script with the normal esx menu?

For those having issues with custom vehicles:

Create a vehicle_names.lua file in any resource.

Inside your vehicle_names.lua:

    AddTextEntryByHash(GetHashKey("modelName"), "Name")
    -- More cars here

Don’t forget to add the vehicle_names.lua into client_scripts in your fxmanifest.lua and make sure if you added it into a different script that it’s started in your server.cfg.

That should work.

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