[Free][ESX] Garages & Impounds

How do I make sure the car is locked when I take it out of the garage

That’s your job to implement your lock script into it, I can’t help you there mate.

1.1 everything is good and working the garage is working the impound is also working but i have problem with whitelist garage i can duplicate cars it says it always stored

You can duplicate cars that are stored?

Yes not in public garage but in jobs garage

Jobs garage? I don’t have garages for jobs? What are you talking about?

the garage where police buy their police cars.

That’s not my script mate. I think you got something confused.

can i send a picture here?

You’re talking about a different resource that’s not mine, I don’t have ‘garages where police can buy vehicles’ I only add in civil garages and impounds, so no. You can’t.

what i mean is i can also get the police car in civil garage

Then that means that the vehicle is owned by the player, that’s why it goes into the garage.

alright thanks i really like your garage dude! Sorry to to be a bother

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hey i just downloaded the script and installed it on my server,but i cant buy any vehicle in the vehicleshop,im using esx_vehicleshop and it shows error like this

I mean that’s an error coming from esx_vehicleshop, it’s not my script that’s causing it.

yeah i figured it out,thanks

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Works great but how can I adjust the Spawnpoint Size / Blip on the Map it is so tiny?

In the DrawMarker() and SetBlipScale() Natives. This is basics, you should know this if you’re running a server.

Thank you - in which file can I find these settings? Sorry I started 5 days ago and still learning - your garage sytem is the first which works - others had really big problems with MySQL and Impounds

You can find it in the client.lua file, which is located in the client folder of the resource.