[FREE] [ESX] Brp-fivem-appearance

players clothes and skin dont save

does anyone know how to get my old skin menu to stop popping up?

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I have problem, when I try to save outfit, nothing pops out and error show in F8

Hey possible to add a whitelist clothing option similar to raid_clothes. We basically put a number in the javascript file as in like “chain: 10” & if someone tried to go to 10 in the clothing menu for chain, it went from 9-11. This helped individuals use a script as clothing as items.

But if we can whitelist anything like chain/shoes/shirt etc that’d be an amazing feature not only for myself but im sure others would love this too.

use nh-keyboard version 1.0

i have loads of problems with this like i do /car and the car doesnt spawn and i cant do /goto and /bring i dont get tp to them

fix for this?

AddEventHandler('esx_skin:openSaveableMenu', function(submitCb, cancelCb)
	local config = {
		ped = true,
		headBlend = true,
		faceFeatures = true,
		headOverlays = true,
		components = true,
		props = true
	exports['fivem-appearance']:startPlayerCustomization(function (appearance)
		if (appearance) then
			TriggerServerEvent('fivem-appearance:save', appearance)
			if submitCb() ~= nil then submitCb() end
		elseif cancelCb ~= nil then
	end, config)

under the peds.json, remove all but those two

Can I ask how to set this up to be used for character creation?

What Character Creating do you use?

I got the outfits to save and change as they should, but my character’s looks don’t save whenever I rejoin my server.

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me 2 idk why

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hi guys just one question, after creating the pg if i go to the tattoo shop the ped resets and i lose the pg, does anyone know how to fix it?

How to make esx_identity to work with this upon character registration? Once loaded in for the first time the character is completely invisible. Rest of the setup works fine.

Okay so I noticed there is some kind of bug with first spawn. After relogging your character is back. I see this has also been asked in github and know one could respond. This will be helpful to know whats wrong.


im using multi char and when i save an outfit on one of my chars that outfit showa up in the other chars save list how do i stop the from happening

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hello, how to use this as a character creator? right now when I join as a new player, after i fill out my identity im invisible and no character creator opens up.

please help. after disconnecting and joining again the player will be visible changing clothes in the clothing store works perfectly, just not for new player.

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hi, were you able to make it work for character creation after esx_identity? If yes, how? im always invisible after esx_identity and no character creation menu pops up.

U have already fixed this? i tried changing these line in my identity script:


if not ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then TriggerEvent(‘fivem-appearance:playerRegistered’) end



first it said esx_skin where fivem-appearance is now but still wont work

Hello do you fix it ? i have this problem. Fivem appearance 2 video. Thanks.

Hello. I have problem, in the clothing store I make an outfit, I click on save I name it and when I put a change outfit there is none and it gives me this error. how to fix it? Thanks.