[FREE] Envi-Shells - Interior Shells for Housing Scripts!

how do i open the menu for the script?


? what lol

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There is no menu/script.
envi released some shells, and I was checking them out.
I did some offsets, then saw someone ask, so I just posted it.
They are for you to add to your housing script for envi shells to work correctly.


Amasing work!



These can be used in loaf housing?


Yeah, they can be used in Loaf Housing I’m sore or anything with an offset for housing.

the absolute goat for this

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Hi, I downloaded and installed the map but when I /tp towards these coordinates I don’t see anything

I don’t think you can just teleport there, and they appear.
You need a housing script or something to spawn the shell, and then you add the offset to teleport there in the script. They need to be spawned by something since they’re shells, not MLOs.

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