[FREE] Drug Car Heist 0RESMON

You should know that this function is no longer valid


ESX = nil
while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)


ESX = nil
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)

What you can do is add a call so that if it is condigura old_esx of that function and new_esx of the current function only as a suggestion

The problem in the cinematic scene has been resolved and updated again on github, you can download it again

my too

need to fix more bugs,
need a cooldown period , else multiple vehicles spawn and bots too…
player will be invisible when he is in the vehicle …

I used your script here and converted it to QBCore and working on different features. Like allowing Duos/Trios/Quads and I’m getting hung up on getting them all into the cutscene at the end tho lol. It’s definitely a nice release. I won’t release it though since it’s your script

Hi send it to me let’s post it as qbcore version on github

Would you like me to DM you on Discord?

Hey there could I get this by chance?

possible to send that? it’s not on the github yet it seems

when will this be out


link is offline :frowning:

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reupload on github please