[FREE] Christmas System | Snow, Snowballs, Presents, Christmas Trees and more!

For the snowballs there is already a commit: Prevent Snowballs pickup indoors · Dream-Services/dream_christmas@7cbdfa0 · GitHub
The release will come in the next days… but you can download it manually and use this pre-version
Please elaborate on your open xmas issue, with your current information I can’t do anything

It is a very good system and very performant with many players

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is there anyway to use qb-target yet ?

Should be working in version v1.0.5 (current).


thank you so much i will download it :smiley:

Can you make it standalone ?

:mega: Version v1.0.6

  • Added prevention to pickup snowballs indoors
  • Added Snow Overlay when outside
  • Added small HUD Overlay (See pictures)
  • Added weather resource conflict prevention
  • Changed Snowball Damage Modifier
  • Fixed Cooldown Issue
  • Fixed duplicate trees, presents etc.


:inbox_tray: Download the new version on GitHub (Click here)

Figured out the issue with QB-weathersync. Just instead of Requesting Particles and all that, just trigger the following:

TriggerServerEvent(“qb-weathersync:server:setWeather”, ‘XMAS’)

nice release.
but when i set gift weapon.the system says You found a Unknown Weapon with 12 ammo…already try several weapon like weapon_golfclub,weapon_stungun,weapon_revolver_mk2 etc…
btw gift for item and cash succeed
-framework esx

You need to add the locale for your weapon. By default, only weapon_pistol is currently entered.
See your locale file at line 21 - 24

hai,thank for support.
i was add locale.but the issue not about locale.
is about not getting weapon.
i have take ss,just said you found a pistol rev with 15 ammo…but not appear on my weapon tab. also not appear word said got weapon on bottom-right corner…

Then your weapon name is wrong or your server uses different logic to add weapons to a player. You find the function DreamFramework.addPlayerWeapon in the server.lua bridge:

When you are using ox_inventory but renamed the resource for example you need to change the exports and Inventory function.

I have a problem. After I installed it, the map started to flicker. The snow scene and the original scene kept switching. Is there something I did not set correctly? I need help, please.

You will have another resource running that also sets the weather, which is not XMAS. So technically you will see in a second (or millisecond) winter and then again one of the summer weather.

You only need to deactivate the weather function in your other resource, the time synchronization does not need to change.

I understand! Thank you very much!

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i not use ox…btw i got fix it…start at line 152 i add “if weaponName == ‘WEAPON_SNOWBALL’ then”


local xPlayer = DreamFramework.getPlayerFromId(source)

   if xPlayer.hasWeapon('WEAPON_SNOWBALL') then
        xPlayer.addWeaponAmmo('WEAPON_SNOWBALL', ammo)
        xPlayer.addWeapon(weaponName, ammo)


local xPlayer = DreamFramework.getPlayerFromId(source)
if weaponName == ‘WEAPON_SNOWBALL’ then
if xPlayer.hasWeapon(‘WEAPON_SNOWBALL’) then
xPlayer.addWeaponAmmo(‘WEAPON_SNOWBALL’, ammo)
xPlayer.addWeapon(weaponName, ammo)

:mega: Version v1.0.6.1 - v1.0.6.5

  • Added DreamCore.DisableOtherWeatherResourcesCheck to completely disable this feature (Thanks to WolfieValeo for this Idea)
  • Improved/easier renaming of all blips in the config (Thanks to Urek)
  • Updated fxmanifest to oxmysql (Thanks to GamingLuke1337)
  • Changed Pipeline
  • Fixed DreamFramework.addPlayerWeapon issue (Thanks to @syuknoy)

It’s official next year, Christmas 2025, this script will be expanded once again. It was so well received that we want to continue it. Have a wonderful holiday season! :gift:

:inbox_tray: Download the new version on GitHub (Click here)


This is fun and a festive addition for sure. :heart:
One recommendation is the image files you are currently using are hosted on imgur, and there may be potential issues with that in the future. Would you consider a plan for hosting the images more permanently in the script for the future?

Hi, and sorry for the late reply over the holidays :santa:

Could you elaborate your recommendation? Because all images used in the script are stored locally under web/assets/img/. Only the images in the ReadMe are hosted on imgur.