[FREE] CAS-Dispatch With Clean UI From Code After S*x

when you get this error? if you can give me more details i will try help you.

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I tried using the command like the example above but nothing appears and the console appears like that

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GetStreetName = function(coords)

	local coords		= GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
    local PlayerCoords = { x = coords.x, y = coords.y, z = coords.z }
    local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
	local streetName = GetStreetNameAtCoord(playerCoords.x, playerCoords.y, playerCoords.z)
	local streetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(streetName)

    return streetName

RegisterCommand("sign15" ,function() -- example
    local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) 
    TriggerServerEvent("cas-sendDispatch",coords, Config.CivDown, GetStreetName(coords))

How do i start it? i put it in but i get nothing when i hit Z im also making sure im a cop/boss

What alert are you activating? I do not know if you have done so but for example make a shot to appear the interface and when it appears teleport to another location and being already far away press the key to mark the point because if you activate it and press it in the same place you will not leave because it is a waypoint

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I’ll try this should I put in say what I want to happen? like what bank I want to be robbed, ill just put in those coords and that is where it will be right?

It’s correct, I already configured it and it works correctly

is there anyway you can send me a copy of the files you have setup to get mine to work so I know how to set it up if that is possible for you. or post it on here so I can get an idea. thanks :v: :heart: :pray:

i will release cas-dispatch v2 with all dispatch settings and notifys.

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sure I send you dm

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thanks man

thanks man :v: :heart: :pray:

Any fix for getting every Weapon i used? i just want to get the last one xd
And the ESX get Name under the Nearest Police and Nearest EMS

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Fixed brother, you can download last version in my github.

i’''m Work Esx 1.10.1

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Did you put in the config what is esx?

no Will test again

Maybe a CAS-MDT?? :smirk:

We’ve release it already. :slight_smile: GFX MDT: Fulfilling Your Players' Desires!

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