[FREE] BRZ Enhanced Fishing System

Common bait

brz-fishing-ci Maintainability Test Coverage

Supported frameworks

  • qb-inventory
  • ox_inventory

Note: ESX or any other framework is not supported at the moment, feel free to contribute or open a feature request.

:zap: Features

Unique User Interface

Designed from scratch, inspired by fishing mechanics in games like New World and Sea of Thieves.

Unique UI

Unique Fishing Mechanics

  • Realistic rod with line that moves according to the fish
  • Fish catching animation
  • Water splash effects
  • 2D ui positioning locked to fishe’s world position

Unique UI

Highly customisable!

You can change pretty much any aspect of the script, from the fishing mechanics to the UI, everything is customisable.

The script is also 100% unit tested, so you can be sure that your changes won’t break anything, it also makes the script easy read, understand and maintain by you or other contributors.

Integration with other frameworks

The script is designed to be framework agnostic, but it has built-in support for qb-core and Quasar Framework (qs-inventory). Integrating with other frameworks is easy, given the script’s modular architecture.


Please read the installation guide for more information.

Default fishing items

Item name Description
Common bait fishingrod1 Rod object the player will be assigned with when start fishing.
Fishing rod commonbait Consumable item automatically used when the casting minigame finishes.
fishfish Common fish, can be found at any fishing spot.
dolphindolphin Uncommon fish, can be found at the deep sea.
hammersharkhammershark Uncommon fish, can be found at the deep sea.
tigersharktigershark Rare fish, can be found at the deep sea.
killerwhalekillerwhale Epic fish, can be found at the deep sea in some seasons of the year.
humpbackhumpback Legendary fish, can be found at the deep sea in some seasons of the year.
stingraystingray Rare fish, can be found at the deep sea.

:man_technologist: Contributing

  1. Clone the repository into your local server.
cd <server_root_path>/txdata/resources
git submodule add https://github.com/brazucas/fivem-brz-fishing-ts.git brz-fishing
  1. Install NodeJS and nvm.
    • Tip: You can quickly install nvm by running npm install -g nvm.
  2. Install the correct Node version, project dependencies and test if tests and build are working:
cd brz-fishing
nvm install
nvm use
yarn test
yarn build
  1. Work on your changes and test them with yarn test
  2. Make sure the build is successful with yarn build
  3. Create a pull request

Note: Contributions not covered by tests will not be accepted.


wow nice work :heart::+1:

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Nice work!! :wink:

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How is the fishing rod used? as i have it in my inventory with bait but no way to use it to fish or equip in hand

Hey mate, does it show any errors on server/client logs? does it says “brz-fishing initialised”? Need a bit extra information about your environment to help you out

Hi bud

Its just a standard qb framework server
The attached image shows in the console when i restart the resource show and appear to be running in the server resources

It does not say initialised anywhere in the console though
and i dont get any error when trying to use the fishing rod or anything just nothing happening

I did install the latest release and add the items to qb core and he config to qb shops as instructed

Hey mate, sorry for the delay, I’m still not able to reproduce the issue on my end. If it’s a generic QBCore server you set up, would you mind compressing it and sending over to me?

Otherwise, please send me this information when you can:

  • Dump of the server log after the server fully initialised.
  • Double check whether the item names in qbcore’s items.lua file are fishingrod1 and commonbait.
  • A dump of the resources.cfg file (where all your ensure are declared).

Feel free to add me in Discord so we can get to the bottom of your issue, username is yetanotherdev

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Same issue, no errors, all items added but no reaction after using any of it :frowning_face:

Inv: OX

I think the issue is that you’re using OX inventory, the script currently only supports qb-inventory. I’ll include supporting OX inventory is the next release and include a warning when the script doesn’t detect a supported inventory system.


Can you also add option to add locale file without rebuilding resource ?

sure can, will include it in the next one

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Really looking forward to seeing ox compatible with this! Looks like you put a lot of effort into this script, love the attention to detail with the mini game.

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New version released! v1.1.0

:rocket: Features

  • Add support for ox_inventory.
  • Add support for ox_lib (for sending notifications).
  • It’s now possible to override locales at runtime via the settings.js file, although it’s not recommended. If you need to add a new language please consider making a contribution.

Download: Release v1.1.0 · brazucas/fivem-brz-fishing-ts · GitHub

cc @JasonLeeSteele @hus7lazz @Arron1911

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Working like a charm!

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Got error use complete ox inventory and ox_lib

I send you a friend request on DC.
Mine is: drv1g

Hey man. Thanks for your work! Unfortunately I have the same issue where nothing works and there are no errors :frowning: However, there is also no messages that the script is initialised. I have sent you a request in Discord, in case if you can help out.