As you can see the database is being deployed, if you refresh your db does it show?
Refresh your database, refresh in heidi
Has this been deleted? Don’t seem to find a link to the resource.
i think he maybe making some adjustment i hope so
Yes also github account is deleted as well
Hello, the resource has been reuploaded to my new github: GitHub - stevoscriptsteam/stevo_drugsell: Advanced Drug selling resource
I have updated the resource fixing all of the known issues, to get the update just redownload from github: GitHub - stevoscriptsteam/stevo_drugsell: Advanced Drug selling resource
To fix:
- Download latest version from github.
- Delete the db table (stevo_drugsell_rep)
- Restart the resource
And it should work!
workin 1 last question how do u check your rep
/checkrep and it appears when you sell.
workin 1 last question how do u check your rep
works wonderfully thank bruv
You can use the /checkrep command.
is there anyway you can put a randomizer on the amount you sell per sell like instead of it being 3 can u make it so it has a random minimum and maximum