[FORK][ESX] Engine Repair kit & Tyre Kit | esx_repairkit V3.2

Still doesnt work for me, im infront of the engine, but it doesnt work, neither on standard or modded cars
The Config:
Config = {}
Config.InfiniteRepairs = false – Should one repairkit last forever?
Config.InfiniteRepairsTyreKit = false – Should one tyrekit last forever?
Config.IfMecaIsOnline = true – Set to true if you don’t want your players to use the RepairKit and TireKit if a mechanic is online
Config.RepairTime = 15 – In seconds, how long should a repair take?
Config.TyreKitTime = 15 – In seconds, how long does it took to replace the tyre?
Config.IgnoreAbort = false – Remove repairkit from inventory even if user aborts repairs?
Config.IgnoreTyreAbort = false – Remove repairkit from inventory even if user aborts repairs?
Config.AllowMecano = false – Allow mechanics to use this repairkit? (If you want this to work set “Config.IfMecaIsOnline” to false, it’s a known bug that will be fixed as soon as possible)
Config.RealisticVehicleFailure = false – Set to true if you are using the resource “RealisticVehicleFailure”
Config.DestroyOnFailedRepair = false – Set to true if you wan’t to use “Config.DestroyChance”
Config.DestroyChance = 100 – The lower it is, the more it has a chance to destroy the engine. (1 = 100%, 2 = 50%, 4 = 25%, 10 = 10%, 100 = 1%, etc)
Config.EnableProgressBar = false – If you don’t want a progress bar when your player use the item or you don’t want to use the resource “progressBars” then set it to false

Config.Locale = ‘en’

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I haven’t updated esx_repairkit for the latest FiveM artifact, that’s maybe why it’s not working.

I’m not sure at all I will update it one day, but you can still activate live notification for this post :+1:

Maybe in the next update : That if there a mechanic onlline is you can not use a repairkit

i would love the see a version of this for QB-Core

It’s already possible with Config.IfMecaIsOnline in the config file :+1:

Are you using Onesync?

Update 3.2

New feature

  • Config.MechanicNameJob - You can now change the name of the mechanic job directly in the config file to match the one on your server


  • If a tyre is fixed using the “tyrekit” from this resource, it will now properly sync it between all clients (Thanks to outsider310 for pointing out this issue)
  • Resource manifest updated to fxmanifest.lua (was previously __resource.lua),


bro i think there’s a bug idk if its on my server or in the script cuz the item is not working i try to put it in the shop but no item is appering and i need help to fix it

Are you using Onesync? Which version of ESX do you use?

Will do ^^

after car fix I get this error
how fix?

Can you add a item to repair the body vehicle ? or If only mechanic use repairkit it also repairs the bodywork ?

i have the problem the script said “you are not standing at an engine”

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me to the same problem

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I get this error [script:esx_repairkit] SCRIPT ERROR: Execution of native 000000002f7a49e6 in script host failed: Argument at index 1 was null.

Imagine leaving a script up that’s completely broken. Everyone is having the same problem of not being able to fix the engine because it says were not near it when we are lmao. Tire repair works tho but engine repair doesn’t at all on any vehicles.

Imagine being angry at a discontinued script… I don’t have enough time and effort to put in FiveM dev lately, when I will be more available I will make a new and improved one from scratch ^^

have a qbcore version of that?

Same standing on the engine not working

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Have you solved it?