
Free qbcore Burgershot script made for new qbcore

Dependencies: qb-target, qb-core and mythic-notify



So much effort made on this post I can’t even comprehend :laughing:

No really put some effort into your post like screenshots, description, features, dependecies and etc

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he literally posted a preview, download, and what it is. There is nothing else you need to know lmao.


Between this and every other post. Yes there is

hello, could you tell me how to put those circles in qtarget?

Great release!

Would you be up for converting to ESX?

what map are you using for this

forget to add the map but used this https://fivem.gnstud.io/package/4841796

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maybe not, dont understand much of esx

i use the default qb-target, u just go to the init folder and u have there Config.DrawSprite = false by default u put it true

i know this isnt too much flashy but i’m kinda lazy, but thnx for the comment next realease going to put some screenshots and the rest

tank you so much !

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I’d be down to work with you if you wanted to release it for ESX?

can you also share the images for the itens ?

i can, but i cant the props, bought them in the same place i bough the map

All done, check it out

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you added them to the worng repository but i found them thanks again :wink:
ja agora bom trabalho espero que tenhas mais em mente para libertar que vou estar atento :wink:

yy already changed it, im so sry xD it happens

I got this error. Does anyone know what notify qbcore uses? I tried changing the exports to this “QBCore.Functions.Notify”. But still has an error.

can u show me the line 338 pls