[FIX] Fix call gcphone (no WebRTC)

I want to add music player in it, is there anything that can possibly do to add own musics and play it in background?

Is it really removing the contacts?

Is there anything to put phone call in vrp server. Thanks a ton in advance.

I think it must be the same.

hi thanks for this man but one problem is call with caps and i don’t want with puch to talk
sorry for my english

hello i have a problem with the gcphone. Everything seems to be ok with ther phone , but everytime i dissconnect and connect to the server my phone number just change. And with that the phone calls does not work. i am using mysql version 2.x and i use the gcphone from here https://github.com/N3MTV/gcphone/releases the gcphone.zip one, not the source.

Your post Fix GcPhone on One sync ?
FR : Est ce que ton astuce permet de fixer le gcphone sous onesync ?

Merci !

yep :smiley:

Hello!. Your Solution doesnt wok. Do you have a other Solution to fix the Call Issue?

I found a other Solution so i can use it now with Call Function :slight_smile:

@pee4kotoo Write a function that will check for a previous phone number so if there’s not one, it’ll make a new one. People still use Steam auth for some reason, so you’ll want to base your primary auth identifier around this function. I use Discord auth and stuff, so there’s only so much I can help you with given I don’t use ESX/vRP/some other mainstream framework on my economy server.

whats ur solution ?! ive been trying to fix my calls on GCphone but i still cant ear ppl talking… got everything working on my gcphone now except call’s… fck…

Hello. I deactivated the vMenu … this was my Solution


Hi there,

Don’t wanna get too far off topic given the title of your post but I’m currently unable to even use the phone at all when it comes to using the phone number part.

I’ve got my server running with an ESX core and all works flawless but can’t get the phone to hand out phone numbers - do you know why?

Current errors whenever I try to call or text anyone or anything:

I’d really appreciate it cause I’ve been struggling with it for days and haven’t found any solution yet. I’d appreciate it a lot!

I do not support gcphone, just give a solution for gcphone, if you have problems with the resource, please contact the author.

too bad, understandable though.

It’s a sad thing they won’t respond, it’s been quite some time now and the only issue I have is that the character won’t get a phone number when in game, everthin else working just fine.

Thanks for responding though

My solution was that vMenu was taking the voice so i stopped vMenu and calls worked! If you have vMenu comment the voice setting lines or use other admin menu!


I have phone in my hand but cant see it

hey can someone help me please?
here is the code>
local sourcePlayer = tonumber(source)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local identifier = xPlayer.identifier

local srcPhone = ''
if extraData ~= nil and extraData.useNumber ~= nil then
    srcPhone = extraData.useNumber
    srcPhone = getNumberPhone(identifier)
local destPlayer = getIdentifierByPhoneNumber(phone_number)
local is_valid = destPlayer ~= nil and destPlayer ~= identifier
AppelsEnCours[indexCall] = {
    id = indexCall,
    transmitter_src = sourcePlayer,
    transmitter_num = srcPhone,
    receiver_src = nil,
    receiver_num = phone_number,
    is_valid = destPlayer ~= nil,
    is_accepts = false,
    hidden = hidden,
    rtcOffer = rtcOffer,
    extraData = extraData

if is_valid == true then
    getSourceFromIdentifier(destPlayer, function (srcTo)
        if srcTo ~= nill then
            AppelsEnCours[indexCall].receiver_src = srcTo
            TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
            TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
            TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', srcTo, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], false)
            TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
            TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)
    TriggerEvent('gcPhone:addCall', AppelsEnCours[indexCall])
    TriggerClientEvent('gcPhone:waitingCall', sourcePlayer, AppelsEnCours[indexCall], true)


AddEventHandler(‘gcPhone:startCall’, function(phone_number, rtcOffer, extraData)
local _source = source
TriggerEvent(‘gcPhone:internal_startCall’,_source, phone_number, rtcOffer, extraData)

I’m having problems, when dailing a player number the receiver phone doesnt ring, same with text sending a text to a number wont come until receiver /telfix

guys i found a solution go here this is all working on our server Releases · Re-Ignited-Development/Re-Ignited-Phone · GitHub