FiveRP looking For Developers


Just as a heads up to the developers thinking about volunteering, you might want to know the following:

In other word, everything you write, they own. You cannot share the scripts you create unless “FIVERP” do it for you.

Just thought you’d want all the information before blindly volunteering to help the server :smiley: I know I would.

PS: This is not in any way meant to discourage you, if you want to help them out and you agree with their terms by all means go for it, this is just to let you know what you’re getting into.

PPS: Read their “service agreement” before signing it, you don’t know what you’re signing up for otherwise.

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By the way: the person who’s writing this topic is not related to the more-well-known ‘FiveRP’ that has been around since 2015, but is instead some ‘CentralGaming’ server owner who decided to appropriate the name as it has more positive connotations.

In addition, he’s been banned various times from the partially-official project chat, and probably not for bullshit reasons.

@lawrencium Thank you for your negative comment. Firstly, our community was establishment in 2012 as a grand theft auto four roleplay community. With now, over 200 registered members. secondly, I’m not part of any project chat’s that are so-called ‘‘partially-official’’. I’m part of FiveM Discord and not banned at all. Thanks for the false accusations:)