Im with LifeGoal on this one. Feels like you rushed this just for attention. This is basic html you did not even design the loading screen its just a bunch of pictures. You can release what ever you want as long as it follows the rules but I highly suggest you read this quote from our Lion Leader D0p3t.
We want to encourage everyone to create scripts and release them for others to use and learn from. However, we do expect you to follow some quality guidelines.
Deprecated methods . Make sure your release does not contain deprecated methods, such as creating chat commands without the REGISTER_COMMAND
Tutorials . Scripts created using a ‘tutorial’ is not allowed unless you have expanded it in such a way that there is added value for the community.
Server dumps. You may not release server dumps. Release individual resources instead.
Default resource replacements. You’re not allowed to release a modified version of resources found in the default cfx-server-data repository.
Bugs . Software is bound to have bugs. Try to minimize them by testing your release with other community members before creating a post.
Informative post . Make sure your release topic is formatted nicely and has information about the resource and how to use it. We encourage users to post screenshots/videos if applicable.
Good code. Please try to optimize your code as much as possible. When creating threads/loops, think twice before putting a lot of code into it. Code that gets executed every tick is usually bad. Try to keep this to a minimum and add sufficient delays wherever possible. There’s a great topic by @Buggeroff on how to improve performance, take a look at that topic here: [Best practice] Improve your resource performance
Remember that the quality of your release impacts your image in the FiveM community. Take your time when releasing a resource.
Link to original thread.
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