Fivem Loading Screen

Hi fellas. Today i’m gonna explain to my own loading screen. If you move your mouse, the colors glow and change as you can see in the video. If you press space music is stops and the colors are blows. If you click left and right with your mouse, the same operations will take place, only the music will not stop.



Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements Nothing
Support yes


Hi! Please check the rules for paid releases; in the Releases Rules says you need to add this table:

|                                         |                                |
| Code is accessible       | Yes/No                 |
| Subscription-based      | Yes/No                 |
| Lines (approximately)  | Number of lines  |
| Requirements                | Requirements      |
| Support                           | Yes/No                 |

Beside that, good job! Looks great the colors effect :raised_hands:t2:

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Thanks man its still in progress.

This is just copying a wallpaper from Lively wallpaper program and pasting
in into fivem script… Not worth a dime

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You can do it if you know very well.