FiveM Custom Sound Pack

it works on servers that dont accept additonal mods

Hi, is possible to stream custom voice of peds ?
For install this:

Hey what do I have to do to enable the Crown Vic sound? I tried the vanila cars and that didnā€™t work and no add ons work either. It might be my issue but I figured I ask anyway.

does it have screachy tires

is there the same thing without the siren?

the gun sounds and helicopter sounds are really good, Iā€™ve been using them for a few months now and love them!

Hou do you install it?

False, there can be custom sounds ans server side sounds meaning anyone who does not haev there own sounds installed, can use the one in the server if they have them.

Homie this post was from 2018 back when it was not available. Relax.

hey can u explain how it actually worksā€¦the tutorials on youtube wont help me :frowning:

It said the file corrupted. :slightly_frowning_face:

Do I drag both files the Weapons_player & Resident.rpf?

I love these gun sounds. When Iā€™m streaming they come is supe handy. Keep up the great work!

This is possible now? i been looking for months for a server side gun shots and i didnt found anything.