[PAID] Fivem cp_vehicleparts

:red_car: A FiveM script that enables additional car modifications, such as engine swaps (for increased speed), brake upgrades (to enhance braking force), NOS installation (for a turbo boost), suspension tweaks, transmission adjustments, tire changes, and turbo enhancements.

:boom: We’ve taken great care with the damage aspect: each component deteriorates over time, some get damaged by specific actions, while others wear out gradually. Component performance varies based on their lifespan. Once damaged, these parts can lead to various car issues. To learn more, check out our preview video . :movie_camera:

:movie_camera: [preview] youtube

:electric_plug: [Requirements] Requires the “ox_inventory” last version plugin. Don’t forget to add the items mentioned in the ‘ox-item.lua’ file to the ox_inventory items file

:lock: [Code Accessible] No

:moneybag: [Subscription-Based] No

:chart_with_upwards_trend: [Lines of Code] 996

:handshake: [Support] Available on Discord

:credit_card: [Purchase] Get it on Tebex for €24.40💸

:arrows_counterclockwise: [UPDATE]

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Added the ability to create work zones where only there will be possible to move components
  • :wrench: Added the ability to create repair zones where components can be repaired
  • :rocket: improved config management