Find which ressource is draining fps

Without removing one by one every single script and adding them 1 after the others slowly… there seem to be a way to individually see the drainage… i was on github and saw this answer…

Im away from my server but looks like a task manager from windows or a tool i dont know…
How can i easily find who could create hitch warning.
That info must be basic but i still dont know…

Clientsided or serverside? as clientside there’s resmon 1 (in f8) and serversided you can use traces Speeding up your Server 101 (Windows)

my only sign was to ignore for too long the hitch warning message at the bottom right when i load my server. but now, i can’t say if its server sided or client sided…

will try “resmon 1” … i pretty much just use “restart ressources” and check my prints and errors there… never ran a ressource manager from f8 before

Does the message show up on the client or in the server console?

oh… client sided then
(server) console is super clean

i never taught of it that way but that pretty much mean its one of the client.lua that mess things up

Well then you can open the F8 console and type resmon 1 a little windows will open (resize using bottom rectangle) and it will show all resources and their memory/cpu msec

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exactly what i needed… you are a machine TheIndra… fast AF!!!

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