Fight Club Script

i can’t enter the place

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It seems you left my discord, it’s going to be hard for me to help you.

i have the same problem i just use qb-teleport to tp inside

Contact the mlo developer he will help you fix this :+1:

this is because you have a map near this one and it does collision

that is correct i remove phone shop mlo , it was in the same block
thank you

lol why did you ignore my problem and disable my commenting, was looking for support, if that’s how you support people, I’m not going to use any of your scripts no more, instead if disabling their comments maybe direct them to the place where you help them

I didn’t disable your commenting, that’s not even possible. I did say this so I didn’t ignore you.

I’m not a MLO developer that’s why I said contact the MLO developer that created the MLO because they know more than me on that issue.

Anyways, this nice person identified your problem here.

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pretty sure post approval is a form of disabling someone’s comment why else would it be turned on you or a mod can enable it, you approved my comment lol

and that was not for me lol read what i said again i sent an error thing and i said i use qb-teleport for the mlo since i use a phone store beside it

That’s not how discourse works, I cannot just disable comments. There’s some words that cam make your post to be required reviewing and approval by the moderators. I’m not a moderator.

But your the error you’re having is QB related. I’m not sure if they’ve changed anything but that QB Core function worked a few days ago, it’s just recently where people have started asking me about it.

oh ok I didn’t know if you did it, because it was weird

Did you find the fix for it? i seem to have the same error as you do :slight_smile:

yes there is a small error in the code. it should be this

QBCore = exports[“qb-core”]:GetCoreObject()

config = {
winPrize = 10000,
playPrice = 2500,

pay = function(self, source)
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
    local cash =["cash"]
    if cash >= self.playPrice then
        Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("cash", self.playPrice)
        return true
    return false

win = function(self, source)
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
    if Player then
        Player.Functions.AddMoney("cash", self.winPrize)


When you work already with ox_lib why its not:

  ped = cache.ped

Its missing something ? Or i unterstand something by oxlib not correct. Just a nicely asking.

I love this Script!

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make a pull request

either it wasn’t a thing in ox lib back then or I didn’t see it back then, but I’ve been using it recently.

im using qbcore and copied your code for it and the script still isnt working for me