Exodus Gaming | Police Life | PvE | Custom Scripts | FivePD | EUP | vMenu

Connection Information:
Server IP: gta.exodusgaming.net
Discord: Exodus Gaming
Website: https://exodusgaming.net

About Us:
We are a fairly new server but with many years worth of RP experience under our belt. We started life in Arma 2, moving the Arma 3 and now to GTA V. Over the years we have had our ups and downs and feel we have a good grasp on what we want from a server and what we want from players.
We have got tired of all the same old “RP” servers that lack any real RP. Everyone wants to be a cop and shoot people…well now you can. Using FivePD as a framework we have a Police Only server that allows you to play alone or with friends keeping the City of Los Santos safe from crime.
The amount of “RP” that you want to use is up to you, just don’t interfere with other player’s callouts, if someone calls for backup expect proper RP when you arrive!


  • Don’t be a dick
  • Don’t interfere with other peoples callouts
  • Don’t advertise other communities
  • Don’t use any form of hacks, its just a waste of everyone’s time!
  • Don’t spam chat

Police Departments/Divisions:

  • Los Santos Police Department - Open to all
  • Blane County Sheriff Department - Open to all
  • San Andreas Highway Patrol - Open to all

We do have rank structures and a more serious side to RP if you want that sort of thing but it’s not required.

If you want to get the full RP experience then head over to our discord and say hello.

We are looking into adding EMS and Fire jobs but this is FivePD dependant and not something that will come along any time soon.

Server now open to all!

We now run TokoVOIP, join our teamspeak at exodusgaming.net