Event when player shoots a gun

Hey there, I’m currently trying to catch or listen to events when a player shoots a bullet client sided.
I’ve tried using gameEventTriggered, but this does not seem to go anywhere for gun shots.
The current system I’m using stores the ammo count in a variable on mouse click, and then takes the ammo count again on mouse release to calculate a difference, but it seems unreliable.
I was able to find a PlayerWeaponShot event for Rage, but nothing for FiveM

After a little bit of research on the web, I found CEventGunShot and other similar events here: Game events - Cfx.re Docs. However, (as you mentioned) very few of them seem to be triggered, maybe some of them are broken? Or maybe they just work differently than expected. It might be worth taking a deeper look at.

low-level events are sort of weird, and require more research. I documented that CEventGunShot event here:Some Game Events and how to use them - #3 by CritteR, but I’m not sure if it’s useful, at least not for now.

I did see your post about those events, tried playing around with it, but it does not seem to trigger for player initiated shots