[ESX-Team] esx-mining

exactly i didnt remember what i done but i remember i modified most of script to adapt my server

bro look at the date he made this script and with ox_target it work perfectly

Halla all, I get this thing :

The error is pointing at the export in client / main at line 283 : exports[‘qtarget’]:AddBoxZone(“Mining”…k, v.coords, 3.5, 3, {

and at ox_target / client / compat line 59: z = z + math.abs(options.maxZ - options.minZ) / 2

I would appreciate some help on this, thank you !

Edit : I’m using esx legacy with the latest ox_target.

Hi, I use Ox-target but without qtarget the script does not work. What do I have to rewrite so that it works with Ox-target?

First of all, I apologize for my bad English, it has been 5 months since your message, but I am replying to your message in case other people are looking for a solution and before the solution, I am not a developer.

I found a simple solution myself. Replace the section from line 309 to line 326 with the code below and you will probably reach the solution.


exports['qtarget']:AddBoxZone("Mining"..k, v.coords, 3.5, 3, {
      name = "Mining"..k,
      heading = 15,
      debugPoly = true,
      minZ =  - 1,
      maxZ =  1,
    }, {
      options = {
          type = "client",
          event = "esx-mining:mine",
          icon = "Fas Fa-hands",
          location = k,
          label = "Start Mining",
      distance = 3.5
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