[RELEASE] [ESX] T1GER - Miner Job


FiveM Miner Job [ESX] | T1GER - YouTube


  • This job offers 3 processes in total; the mining part, the washing part and the smelting part.
  • It doesn’t require a player to have a job - its more of an activity they can do, either as a group or alone.
  • Mine stone from the quarry (or change location) with a pickaxe.
  • Wash the stone using a wash pan and get washed stone.
  • Then smelt the washed stone to gain new resources, some can be more rare than others.
  • Players can use these items to trade with other players, sell at a pawnshop or use it for crafting (none of these ideas are included in the script - just pure roleplay ideas)


  • ESX Legacy
  • ProgressBars [optional] (see README to disable / use your own)


  • The resource is fully unlocked and not obfuscated.
  • It’s almost fully configurable and it’s done through the config.lua file.
  • Translation is done through the language.lua file.
  • Images for all items are included in the resource, use as you please.



Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements See Dependencies above
Support No

Great to see :tiger: Scripts

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one of best scripter here. nice to see you !

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Would be great to see this be converted to other frameworks :smiley:

Great script and optimization, good support

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@SmokeEagleSam will work on other frameworks as soon as I got all my resources listed on Tebex/Forums

Can I use it with esx Legacy?
And can I add my own things to it? Can I do apples to applejuice? I know its Mining but just wanted to know

Resource DEPRECATED. No Support. Not Maintained. FREE!

Yes you can. It’s updated.