[ESX] [Supermarket]

how do i open that interface
it has a hotkey to open ???
anyone talk me how to open that supermarket interface

try this one [ESX] [Supermarket]

can you told me how to open supermarket interface?? plz

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1 Что делать захожу в магазин и там ничего нет проверил items в программе HeidiSQL там тоже ничего нет помогите пожалуйста
2 What to do I go to the store and there is nothing there I checked items in the program HeidiSQL there is also nothing there please help

Add those to your HeidiSQL,

Table: shops


Hi all, I have a problem with buying water in the shop at the bottom right - showing value - and not +. The money is deducted and the water is added to the inventory, but badly written in the lower right corner.

Thank you all.

I put everything in the food appeared but I can 't buy it please help Me

I have this issue too, unsure what it is…

Hello again, I hope you are well,
I have the following problem,
I have been able to use more food in the store, the problem is that they will appear as items when you buy them and you cannot eat them.

some idea of the solution.


I have the same problem … I also need advice.
For example, more food and marijuana can not be smoked.
would anyone help?

So I already know how to add …
resources / [esx] /esx_basicneeds/server/main.lua
you add this`
for drinking

ESX.RegisterUsableItem('energy', function(source)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('energy', 1)

	TriggerClientEvent('esx_status:add', source, 'thirst', 200000)
	TriggerClientEvent('esx_basicneeds:onDrink', source)
	TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('used_energy'))

you change the name according to the database for me , energy , is an energy drink
for food:

ESX.RegisterUsableItem('bread', function(source)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('bread', 1)

	TriggerClientEvent('esx_status:add', source, 'hunger', 200000)
	TriggerClientEvent('esx_basicneeds:onEat', source)
	TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('used_bread'))

you turn bread into the food you want to use…

but i need to smoke marijuana how to set it up if anyone knew … i tried like eating and drinking but without animation and effect

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I haven’t tried to smoke yet, but I think it’s a different script,
But I will be looking for today. I write to you if I find it. Thanks for the information I will try.

i already have smoking :slight_smile: eventually write i will send it to you

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Thank you very much brother.

When I go into the shop/menu to buy anything I´m stuck in the menu. I must restart FiveM, but there are Errors or Warnings in the Console. Thank you for Help and sorry for this bad english

can you share your inventory resource?

Hello friends, I already have the food ready, it works for me, I just need to create the correct animations to avoid having to see the hunger, when you are eating, but you selected bread.

I am sharing my inventory very soon with the images created by me, I hope you like it.

Thanks for the guide it worked, I already have the drunk, I just need to smoke. Do you have any idea to put the correct animation for each meal?

You have customized the theme of the store if you want just let me know

any ideas