[ESX] Raid Camps (Advanced Level System EXP, Bosses, Many Features) | Lambra

message above

I open the support ticket in dc , no one reply , tks :slight_smile:

thats not a ticket

New Update.
Changed: Reworked most of core code;
Added: Now you can set multiple Zones at the same time;
Fixed: Optimized Server > Client events for peds pools;
Added: Now you can set how many diff items the player will get from the reward list;
Added: Config option for each ped to set custom Health;
Added: New peds behaviour with lots of changes so they wont be easily killed;

Super script, after effort full back and forth the creator has it hin get that I can use the script, a really good creator, is one of my first choose when it comes to good products

could it be posible to have in esx format? i already buy it, but i have it in qb core and i need it in esx

Could anyone help me please ?

New Update:
Added: Now you can change the loot prop for each camp;

1 Like

New Update
Added: Support to OX-target;
Added: Customizable functions (onPlayerEnterZone , onPlayerLootCrate );

New Update
Fixed: Target eye names when multiple camps enabled;
Fixed: Now every target eye zone is removed when the resource is stopped;

Config.Camps = {
– You can add more Camps
[1] = {
lootPos = vector3(60.99, 3717.23, 38.75),
range = 100.0, – How much range the player needs to be from the lootpos to spawn the peds
prop = “ba_prop_battle_crate_closed_bc”, --The object that will spawn for loot
expGiving = 15, – The amount of EXP that the guy who loots the crate will get
expRadius = 0, – Set this to Recommended 5 or 10 if you want to people close to the crate get EXP too, [[0 value will only give to the one opening the crate]]
itemPickAmount = 1, – Value of how many items from Config.LevelRewards will be picked according to the player level
peds = {
[1] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(55.30, 3719.27, 39.75, 209.52), weapon = “weapon_combatmg_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[2] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(53.52, 37.63, 39.75, 3.60), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[3] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(40.17, 3709.09, 39.73, 250.37), weapon = “weapon_combatmg_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[4] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(39.20, 3718.43, 39.59, 331.14), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[5] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(29.30, 3731.18, 39.60, 234.22), weapon = “weapon_gusenberg”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[6] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(39.34, 3738.68, 39.67, 222.51), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[7] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(51.08, 3740.50, 39.57, 139.20), weapon = “weapon_gusenberg”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[8] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(58.96, 3742.89, 39.72, 149.91), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[9] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(69.20, 3746.99, 39.71, 183.46), weapon = “weapon_assaultshotgun”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[10] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(78.44, 3746.08, 39.59, 149.63), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[11] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(69.90, 3734.68, 39.61, 145.44), weapon = “weapon_assaultshotgun”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[12] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(83.11, 3717.76, 39.75, 99.16), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[13] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(76.15, 3701.38, 41.07, 27.68), weapon = “weapon_specialcarbine_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[14] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(60.32, 3695.10, 39.75, 334.63), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[15] = {model = “csb_ortega”, coords = vector4(64.70, 3688.58, 39.83, 17.66), weapon = “weapon_specialcarbine_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false}
[2] = {
lootPos = vector3(-1131.32, 4909.15, 217.37),
range = 100.0, – How much range the player needs to be from the lootpos to spawn the peds
prop = “ba_prop_battle_crate_closed_bc”, --The object that will spawn for loot
expGiving = 15, – The amount of EXP that the guy who loots the crate will get
expRadius = 0, – Set this to Recommended 5 or 10 if you want to people close to the crate get EXP too, [[0 value will only give to the one opening the crate]]
itemPickAmount = 1, – Value of how many items from Config.LevelRewards will be picked according to the player level
peds = {
[1] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(-1144.21, 4920.26, 220.35, 223.14), weapon = “weapon_combatmg_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[2] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(-1120.83, 4917.94, 218.25, 247.31), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[3] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(-1112.01, 4934.70, 218.36, 145.54), weapon = “weapon_combatmg_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[4] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(-1133.94, 4934.63, 220.19, 206.45), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[5] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(-1132.05, 4900.03, 218.89, 265.53), weapon = “weapon_gusenberg”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[6] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(-1126.21, 4908.84, 218.73, 337.55), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[7] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(-1120.26, 4915.49, 218.08, 337.94), weapon = “weapon_gusenberg”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[8] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(-1114.73, 4914.14, 217.71, 78.62), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[9] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(-1104.70, 4926.45, 217.40, 111.45), weapon = “weapon_assaultshotgun”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[10] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(-1104.63, 4920.02, 216.65, 130.53), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[11] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(-1103.56, 4903.81, 216.24, 349.84), weapon = “weapon_assaultshotgun”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[12] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(-1117.18, 4892.72, 216.33, 45.67), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[13] = {model = “csb_grove_str_dlr”, coords = vector4(-1130.05, 4897.67, 218.77, 2.41), weapon = “weapon_specialcarbine_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[14] = {model = “csb_g”, coords = vector4(-1137.37, 4911.54, 219.83, 273.49), weapon = “weapon_assaultrifle”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false},
[15] = {model = “csb_ortega”, coords = vector4(-1160.37, 4923.74, 222.72, 259.28), weapon = “weapon_specialcarbine_mk2”, health = 2000, armor = 1000, canTakeHeadshot = false}
Rocker Camp and Lost Village :slight_smile:

New Update:
Changed: Optimized code;
Added: Now the rewards are by chance instead of random (Experimental);
Added: Now you can set individual delay once that camp is completed;

ur update crashes the fx server with an timeout.

open a ticket at discord and provide more details

New Update:
Added: onPedCreation function to apply your own extra properties to the peds;
Changed: Setting a zone with 0 exp giving will ignore the leveling system for the zone;

10/10 exactly what i needed

  • ESCROW Works really good you can add basicaly everything to PED Functions and lootcrate function
  • Also PED combat is setup very smart, definetly buy it!
  • Very good support
  • Best script in this category!