[ESX, QBCORE, VRP] [PAID] Police-Alerts

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  • Easily configurable.
  • 0.00 ms.
  • Clean Notify(UI)

  • New: You can now modify the text of alerts in the configuration.

Where to Purchase
Click here - $5.00+

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +300
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

… why on earth did you create this and why should people pay for it. There is literally a ton of these scripts for free.

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Every code differs, the optimization differs, and everyone buys what they want.

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In the video, when the initial dispatch is sent, it says “Algonquin Blvd, Bolingbroke Penitentiary”, when you TP to the player, it says “Algonquin Blvd, Sandy Shores”. Is it pulling the proper street name of the call but your location also?

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Solved, thank you very much for your attention.

Good morning

Some questions; is there a whitelist system for alert weapons?

Also to receive alerts only for certain professions other than Police?


Hi, yes you can add multiple groups at once, it is not limited to one.
And for alerts except for some weapons, we can do that if you want.

I think weapons like snowball, tazer etc can be good idea

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Now you can add a blacklisted weapon to the configuration.

  • New: You can now modify the text of alerts in the configuration.

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