[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Texas Hold'em Poker - Fully in-game

:star2: Year-End Sale :tada: Enjoy 20% Off on Texas Hold’em! :date: Dec 6, 2023 - Jan 1, 2024.

Could this be used to hold a tournament style event?
-Players changing table whilst retaining their current value of chip stack
-Starting poker chips being issued to players at set values
-Poker chips being unique (non-interchangeable with regular casino chips)
-Increasing big/small blind values on the fly without any downtime/outage
-Host being able to issue re-buys if desired

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Yeah you can setup custom item/account for it depending on your framework to make the tournament. For the blind value increase on the fly we can help you implement it as these values are in the open-source part of the script.

Yeah, but you can’t show any card, while game is continuing and other players still playing. This is the rule number 1 in any poker game. If you show card in the middle of game, you are changing outs for the rest of the table, this can’t never happen. You can show your folded cards after game is finished.

Maybe it will be added as a future update. Thanks for suggestion