[ESX/QBCORE] Nails & Sets - CodeWave Scripts

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CodeWave Nails & Sets Script.

Introducing Codewave’s Nail Sets! :nail_care:

PREVIEW THIS SCRIPT HERE (Click Me Youtube) :tv:

PURCHASE THIS SCRIPT HERE (Click Me) :money_with_wings:

Our latest nail set script is here, packed with exciting features to elevate your gameplay experience!

:sparkles: Key Features:

  • Craft Your Own Nail Sets: Purchase materials to create a variety of unique nail designs.
  • Sleek, Custom UI: Enjoy a fully customized interface for both shopping and crafting menus.
  • Sell with Ease: Use our exclusive client phone, designed specifically to help you sell your creations.
  • Citywide Deliveries: Make your sales even more fun by delivering products all over the city!
  • Interactive Messaging: Experience built-in messages inspired by iMessage for that premium feel.
  • NPC Sales System: Need some extra cash? Use the NPC selling command to earn and save up for your client phone.
  • Compatible with ESX & QBCore: Whether you’re on ESX or QBCore, we’ve got you covered!
  • Highly Configurable: Our versatile config file allows you to easily add new items and locations.

:sparkles: Configurable Options:

  • Framework Choice: Select between ‘ESX’ or ‘QBCore’ for framework compatibility :gear:
  • Interaction Type: Choose how players interact with the script: either ‘ox_target’ or ‘3dtext’ :computer_mouse:
  • NPC Interaction: Enable or disable ox_target for NPC interaction with Config.UseOxTargetForNpc :busts_in_silhouette:
  • Crafting Time: Adjust how long it takes to craft a nail set with Config.TimeToCraft (in milliseconds) :stopwatch:
  • Debug Mode: Toggle debug messages on or off to track script behavior :bug:

NPC Sales Settings:

  • Min/Max Items to Sell: Set the minimum and maximum number of items players can sell to NPCs :dart:
  • Start/Stop Selling Commands: Customize the commands for starting and stopping NPC sales (default: ‘sellnails’ and ‘stopsellingnails’) :stop_sign::shopping_cart:

Player Restrictions:

  • Gender Restriction: Toggle whether only female character models can craft and sell items with Config.OnlyFemales :woman_red_haired:
  • Ped Models: Define which ped models can be used for male characters :man:

NPC Configuration:

  • NPC Model: Customize the NPC’s appearance by choosing a specific model :performing_arts:
  • Spawn Location: Set the coordinates and heading for where the NPC spawns in the city :round_pushpin:
  • Blip Settings: Customize the NPC’s map blip with a specific sprite, scale, color, and name :world_map:

Item Store Settings:

  • Item Prices: Set the prices for items players can purchase (e.g., Acrylic Liquid, Acrylic Nails, etc.) :moneybag:

Crafting Recipes:

  • Required Materials: Define the materials and quantities needed to craft different types of nails (e.g., Coffin Nails, Stiletto Nails, etc.) :hammer_and_wrench::nail_care:

Music & Sound Settings:

  • Play Music: Toggle background music when the crafting UI is open :notes:
  • Music Volume: Adjust the music volume for the crafting menu :loud_sound:

Prop Settings:

  • Nail Table Item: Customize the item players use to craft nails (nailtable by default) :framed_picture:
  • Prop Model: Change the prop model used for crafting tables :couch_and_lamp:

Selling Prices:

  • Set Prices for Crafted Nails: Define the minimum and maximum price range for each crafted nail type when selling to NPCs :money_with_wings::nail_care:


| Code is accessible | No
| Subscription-based | No
| Lines (approximately) | 1000+
| Requirements | ESX / QBCore
| Support | Yes


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