[ESX/QB/STANDALONE] Bus Driver Pro - The Ultimate Bus Driving Experience | Garmingo

No reward when I finish my assignment

Hello Timmy_Thurner, that is a very good idea. Maybe we will implement this soon. Thank you very much for your suggestion.

With best regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

Hello hinake27, in order for you to receive your payout after completing the ride, ESX mode and the payout option must be enabled in the config.

I hope I could help you.

With best regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

Hello FloatDev,

Really good job about this job.

Maybe you should implant a cloakroom ? when you start, your clothes changes.

About paiement, i have no paiement when passenger enter in the bus, it’s normal?

Do i should make EnableESX in true ?

Actually i have Enable Esx : false
EnablePayout : true
AdddtoBank : False

Best regards

Ok i make Enableesx True now but when passenger enter bus i dont received 7.50$ about this line “PerPassengerPayment”: 7.50,

Hi AkezyaRP, yes you need to enable ESX mode to enable payouts. Also, the rider will not contain their payout until the ride is complete.

I hope I could help you further.
With kind regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

When i create a rute, there are no passengers at the bus stops? don’t know if i’m doing anything wrong

Hello fungus111, your problem was probably due to a bug with OneSync, this is fixed in the latest update, just download the latest update from the link sent to you at purchase and enable OneSync support in the config.

I hope I could help you.
With best regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

Hello everyone,
I hereby inform you about a new update we released a few minutes ago. As always, you can download it via the link you received with your purchase.
In this update there are the following changes:

  • The bug that sometimes on servers with OneSync no peds are spawned has been fixed.
  • A French translation (made by @Pata_PataMods) has been added.
  • The route editor is now translated as well.
  • The size of the blip can now be adjusted.
  • A typo in the route editor has been fixed.

With best regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

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Is this resource enctypted/IP locked ?

Hi MrDon3, the resource is obfuscated and protected with our Codineer Verification which does not require your IP address.

I hope I could help you further.
With kind regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

This is a very nice script, got a lot of people in my city liking it so far.
The people behind this script are also very nice people. Had a call with them and are friendly.

Much appriciations to them! <3


Do you think add a system cloakroom soon? when you start your clothes change ? :slight_smile:

Purchased this, but sometimes when my server is started, this resource will need to be manually ensured via command console for the Bus Depot to actually show for players and be able to open the menu, Any help to fix this :frowning:

Hello Munch1,
I’m sorry to hear that sometimes you have to start the resource manually and it doesn’t start with the server startup. However, we have actually not influenced the startup process. Nevertheless, I recommend you to reinstall Bus Driver Pro with the latest update.

I hope I could help you.
With kind regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

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Hello all together,
we have just released a new update that allows you to change the Esx Shared object event.

With kind regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

How often dose the mod get updated? and is there a way to enable notifaction for when there is a new update out?

Hello Swag_Gamming2019,
whenever we become aware of a bug or an improvement or a new feature is added, the resource is updated. To receive notifications you can click on the bell on the right side of this page and select a notification option.

I hope I could help you.
With best regards,
the Codineer Digital Team

Players are not getting paid for the job - Does this work with OneSync?

Hello floatingdog,
yes the resource is OneSync compatible. Just enable the OneSync mode in the config. For players to get paid you have to enable ESX mode and payouts in the config. If you have a custom esx shared object event you have to change this in the config as well.

I hope I could help you further.
With kind regards,
the Codineer Digital Team