[ESX/QB] Jewelry Robbery

I got it working by chaining the start of the function

    while true do
        local sleep = 100
        local ped = PlayerPedId()
        local distance = #(Locations['vangrob_start'] - GetEntityCoords(ped))
        if distance <= 20 then

Working on converting to ox_target as we speak

New version available v.1.1 on keymaster and github.

  • Problem reported regarding the qbcore framework resolved.

Hello, I get an error in qb-core when starting the robbery. On the server, I don’t have either qb-target or ox_target, how can I solve it? It tells me what I need from ox_target

Hey, in client.lua delete this section:


This realease is supposed to have no dependencies, I forgot to remove this part of the code.
Download Link updated.

In qb-core it still throws this error and thus putting the config in qb

Why do you have the same config as rainmad jewelry heist + the steps of each networked scene?

We have 2 jewelery stores on our Server. Is it possible to create another Robbery with your script?

Tell me which version you are using.
You can see it at fxmanifest.lua

Yes, it is possible with some client-side additions

The github version is still 1.0. Can you upload the new version there ?

Oh sorry. Thanks for letting me know.

Line 726 returns nil, causing my Discord webhook to not work for jewel picks. Strangely, it works perfectly for painting picks

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there is a lot to improve in this script …

well optimized :sweat_smile:

After the last update, I set resmon to 0.0ms

GitHub - daiguel/dgl_jewelry: [ESX/QB] Jewelry Robbery but not good performance with lasers :slight_smile:

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did you fixed this?

No, I assume it had something to do with ESX retrieving player name snippet. However, you can still modify the webhook to show only the Steam name instead of the in-game name.

i did fixed it by changing the whole Give_Item Function

What’s man, download again via keymaster and confirm if the error persists.

Last Version: 2.0