🩸 [ESX/QB] Core Evidence UPDATED V2 - Bullet shells, Fingerprints, Blood samples, Archives [Paid]


  • Fixed random bleeding

Oh did I help?! :hugs:

Yep i believe its a newer native because i used to use another one which was bugggggyy

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Hey man I’m just glad that it was able to help so many people! I just started my dev journey a few months ago, so it feels great knowing this update was a success!


is a standalone version planned or already released?

It can not be made standalone sorry :frowning:

How do we get the update?

in tickets on d c :slight_smile:

I thought there was a standalone version of the core evidence…

What’s the car UI name in Video Preview (V2 UPDATE)?

nop only esx or qb

its modified out of some free resource long time ago

IDK why your Tebex page is unavaiable

There was a misunderstanding between tebex and us, which as been resolved.

Is anyone else having issues with the evidence archive? I am able to open it but as soon as the view report/delete comes up it stops working. There aren’t any errors popping up in either the game console or the server console. Idk what it’s doing, I am able to view the report right after submitting evidence but that’s all. I am also unable to select between view and delete.

Yeah…bullets work for me. Blood not, like for most others. Support? Which support?

So, we use it, but i can not not recommended this.

I don’t recommend ANY CORE script, they don’t give support, I’ve had a ticket opened for OVER a month, and the only support I got for my issue was “It works for me you broke it” Vanilla ESX Server with NO Modifications, and somehow “I Broke It” even though it’s non modified.

I recommend staying away from any CORE script if you think you’re going to need ANY support from them at all.

blood dont work if game build is enforced. Natives break then.

You had a ticket opened for few days.

And the ticket is still open from January, with ZERO support thus far, Just you belittling and berating me AND my other developer because your crap scripts are broken out of the box, Running a VANILLA ESX SERVER they don’t all work. 2 of them did, out of… 6? We mention a few things and you come back with “You’re a fake dev, or you’d fix it” and trash talking. Get a life and grow up.

You have YET to fix or attempt to help fix the issues. Look at your multijob, hud, evidence (Which only sometimes works btw as i’m having to rewrite it from scratch after PAYING for your garbage script that doesn’t work still.)

So yes, feel free to tell me that my ticket was opened for “A FEW DAYS”

Ticket from January 29th that is still opened. And you’re responses only occur when you want to berate and belittle people.

I’m also sitting here with 6 or 7 different DM’s from your CUSTOMERS, that need help because they are getting ZERO help from you, even months down the road…