[ESX] Phonetax [FREE]

[ESX] Phonetax [FREE]

Hello friends, today I would like to introduce you to the new version of sc_phonetax. With this version you have an incredible number of setting options and can choose between three different notification systems. For people who do not have only one item as a phone, you can now also enter several items. All necessary settings can be found in the config.lua.

» Download sc_phonetax

Additional notification systems



ESX-Legacy V1.10.x


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Add this in your server.cfg :

ensure sc_phonetax

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Requirements ESX Legacy
Support Yes

Hi, angenommen man verwendet das Roadphone und es gibt mehrere Handyitems, kann man die in Config.PhoneItem in Reihe ausschreiben getrennt mit einem “,”?

Als Beispiel:
Config.PhoneItem = "phone, phone2, phone3"

Config.PhoneItem = "phone", "phone2", "phone3"

Nein derzeit geht das noch nicht, ich bringe aber zu Freitag ein neues Update raus. Da sollte es dann Funktionieren.

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Falls jemand nicht 10.1 verwendet sondern drunter:

Serverside ersetzen

        for _, source in pairs(GetPlayers()) do
            local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
            print("Test für Handyrechnung")
                if xPlayer.getInventoryItem('phone').count > 0 then

So die neue Version ist raus, du kannst jetzt mehrere Items hinzufügen und nutzen.

how to pick up the phone?

I don’t understand your question, what exactly is your problem?

how do we open the phone menu?

It is not a phone script, it only deducts costs if you have a phone or other defined items in your inventory.