[ESX][PAID][UPDATED] Advanced Player Safes | Frobski-safes

safes can’t be picked up if items are still in it, in the upcoming update cops will be able to raid them. Right now anyone can just break into the safe so make sure you hide it

Looks like MF_PlayerSafes or Bag script why could you not make this for freee cries ;(

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Will it be usable with esx_inventoryhud?

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I might add that in the following update!

esx-kr-bag-inventory but with the safe and the possibility of stealing it?

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No its not the same

Config.OnlyPoliceSearch, inventoryhud support and change code on safe probably comes today or tommorrow!

Just updated what you asked for!

Does this support Disc-Inventoryhud?

I’ve only added support for esx_inventoryhud, but I don’t think it’s so hard to implement and you always have a config option to use esx_menu instead

Is all the source code available?

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No sorry only the config and the inventoryhud file!

Server hitches hard everytime someone connects! Just shy of 3 seconds in total.

I’ll fix that in the new load, the script decrypts the code server side but I’ll change it to client side

The script isn’t any trouble at all since this is the only thing loading server side when a player joins

This is the only resource that is causing hitches. We’re using other obfuscated resources, and none of them hitch.

Is it possible in a further update to select the heading of the player spawing the safe when u spawn the safe instead of having always the same heading for all the safes ?

Just make a ticket so I can send you the v2 load

Yeah it’s possible