[ESX] outlawalert (WildFire alerts and Hypaste MDT integration)

does this build into a list so you can refer to it after the alert has passed?

If you’re using Hypaste MDT the data gets sent to the calls list, but this resource itself does not build a table of previous alerts.

With your latest release would I just remove the first line?

--local street = exports['linden_outlawalert']:getStreetandZone(Config.Shops[i].coords)
 local data = {displayCode = '10-65', description = 'Armed Robbery', isImportant = 0, recipientList = {'police'}, length = '10000', infoM = 'fa-info-circle', info = Config.Shops[i].name}
local dispatchData = {dispatchData = data, caller = 'Alarm', street = street, coords = Config.Shops[i].coords}

Remove the first line doing the export and remove street = street from the table.

Thank you, and thanks for the continued support!

Pulling an error with your latest push

Maybe add an automatic routing option to the notification? Like “Press [E] to accept” or smthing like that?

Any way to just increase all alerts to last like 5 more seconds ? They go away way to fast for our cops, stays on the map awhile but the initial alert makes it near impossible to get a plate.

Each alert has a length you can set.

how can I set up zones where alerts will never be triggered?

I LOVE THIS SCRIPT SO MUCH !!! was wondering if there was a way to 1 lower the frequency of alerts and 2 set whitelisted zones (gunranges) where alerts do not trigger.

Modify function zoneChance() to check if you are in a specific zone and return false to blacklist an area.

To lower alert frequency, search if zoneChance and modify the number value (higher is more likely to trigger)

This is an awesome script but the alerts pop up and go away too fast. I have tried to make them stay up longer but if I am in the middle of something it would be nice to be able to look back on past alerts or even have them appear in chat.

Anyway to do this?

Like I said I tried to make them stay longer and haven’t had much luck. I have tried changing the length of time in the config.lua, server.lua and the client main.lua and nothing seems to work unless I am missing something.

EDIT: I was able to lengthen the time the alerts for shootings and fights are displayed. However I haven’t been able to get the car theft alerts to stay on the screen longer. Any suggestions?

Go to client/main.lua and find

AddEventHandler('wf-alerts:clNotify', function(pData)
    if pData ~= nil then
        if not pData.length then pData.length = 4000 end
        pData.street = getStreetandZone(vector3(pData.coords.x, pData.coords.y, pData.coords.z))
        SendNUIMessage({action = 'display', info = pData, job = ESX.PlayerData.job.name, length = pData.length})
        --PlaySound(-1, "Event_Message_Purple", "GTAO_FM_Events_Soundset", 0, 0, 1)

And u have there length - just change it. 6000 is enough for me actually :slight_smile:

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Thanks that helps a lot, not sure why I couldn’t find that before.

Adding this custom script to erp-selltonpc seems to break the whole thing, I do not get an alert and I can no longer sell to NPC’s, would anyone know how to fix this?

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I’ve noticed that a location on Spanish and Alta keep popping up for 10-13’s but on the alert it’s for somewhere else. Anyone else having this issue?


The console keeps popping up this error. What should I do

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hello there the only alert showing up is the 911 call when i do /911 or /911 , it isnt showing up the officer down thing speeding, shots fired etc… really need help please, thanks