[ESX] Novel Supportcaller | AllInOne Script with Discord Bot

This script allows users to be notified via both an in-game command and a Discord command to come to support.

  • In-Game Notification: Supporters can summon players directly using their player ID. The summoned player receives a corresponding notification in both Discord and the game.

  • Discord Notification: Supporters can call Discord users to support using either their Discord ID or in-game ID. If the player is online, they will also receive an in-game notification.

  • Discord Renaming: The script includes a feature that allows players to be renamed in Discord according to their in-game character name, facilitating identification in support. This feature can be disabled if needed.

This script enhances communication between players and supporters, optimizing the support process within your FiveM community.

Youtube Showcase


-- SharedConfig for Server and Client

SharedConfig = {}

SharedConfig.ESXTrigger = function()
    local ESX = nil
    --ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
    TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
    return ESX
SharedConfig.Debug = false
SharedConfig.KeyTimeout = 10 --seconds 
SharedConfig.RefreshRenameCommand = "refreshrename"

SharedConfig.Notify = function(source, message)
    if source == nil then
		TriggerEvent('Novel_Notify:SendNotify', 'fa-solid fa-info', 'Novel AdminBot', message, '#0000ff', 10)
    TriggerClientEvent('Novel_Notify:SendNotify', source, 'fa-solid fa-info', 'Novel AdminBot', message, '#0000ff', 10)

SharedConfig.Localse = {
    ["DiscordIsNeeded"] = "Your Discord must be running to play on the server",
    ["MissingPlayerId"] = "The player ID is required",
    ["MissingRights"] = "You do not have the required rights!",
    ["RenameTimeout"] = "You can only execute the command every 5 minutes",
    ["PlayerIsNotOnline"] = "The player is not online"

-- Server Config

ServerConfig = {}

ServerConfig.ForceDiscord = true

ServerConfig.CommandName = "cp"

ServerConfig.AdminGroup = {

ServerConfig.SelectUsernameFromDb = function (playerId)
    local result = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll("SELECT  `firstname`, `lastname` FROM `users` WHERE `identifier` = @identifier", {
        ["@identifier"] = GetPlayerLicense(playerId, "license")

    if result == nil or #result == 0 then
        return ""

    return result[1].firstname .." ".. result[1].lastname

Bot Config:

    "Token": "bot_token",
    "UseDiscordRenamer": true,
    "PlayerDiscordMessage": {
        "Author": "Novel-Dev",
        "Title": "You have been asked to come to support.",
        "Body": "The support {0} has requested you in the support area! Please report there in the next 2 minutes.",
        "Img": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/886897611703996446/1161401553987584111/Novel_Logo_V2.png?ex=66b08ebc&is=66af3d3c&hm=19c0e4a8722a52a4056fe8100a6d12d87724ea53459b2f2039ccf01b8184a805&",
        "Color": "0x0099FF"
    "AdminRole": "your_admin_role_id",
    "ComamndChannel": "your_command_channel_id",
    "AllowCommandsOnlyInCommandChannel": false

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400
Requirements ESX, Yarn(its default in FiveM)
Support Yes
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