[ESX] MSK WeaponAmmo | Clips, Components & Tints

What do you mean?

Disassemble weapons like this script: [RELEASE] ESX Disassemble Weapons
To have more than one gun in inventory but disassembled the second one
And make sure that when you disassemble the gun it gives you back the ammunition and accessories

No sorry.

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Hello! I have inserted the script and it works wonderfully, two questions, is there a possibility of being able to remove the accessories and that the weapons be given to me without bullets?


You can remove the weapon components with an Item :slight_smile:

Que item! Gracias!

Perfecto! Ya lo tengo, ahora tengo otra duda, como puedo hacer para que cuando compre el arma o la coja de la armeria de la policia, me la de sin balas? Gracias!

English pls. Otherwise I don’t understand!

Perfect! I already have it, now I have another question, how can I do it so that when I buy the weapon or take it from the police armory, they give it to me without bullets? Thanks!

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It is possible but I don’t know how. Sorry.

hey habe das script gestartet aber muss ich noch was beachten ? habe keine Clips im Shop und die vom jobcreator funktionieren nicht

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Guck in die .SQL Datei

Hey, I think I can do that. I wrote it in the Script but I have to test it. If you want to test it write me a DM :slight_smile:

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I created a dev branch in Github, so you can test the new Version :smiley:

The Dev Version includes the following:

  • Command for switching the Weapon and Ammo in your Hand to an Item
  • If you use the Weapon Item you get the Weapon with Ammo back

Please use WEAPON_PISTOL, etc. as Itemname. Otherwise it won’t work.

Github Dev Branch: GitHub - Musiker15/weaponammo at dev

Great share bro.

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amazing script, however im getting this error, would you know why?

also i noticed esx weaponshop the ammo doesn’t save by default esx, how can i give players just a gun without ammo in that shop if you know how, i know thats not your script


why it dont work with bought weapons. only with gioven weapons with /giveweapon?

Just delete all of this in server.lua

ESX.SavePlayer(xPlayer, cb2)

Update v6.1


  • Config.SavePlayer = true – If you get an error like this set this to false // SCRIPT ERROR: @WeaponAmmo/server.lua:401: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘SavePlayer’)

I tested it it again now and it works perfectly. Any Errors?