ESX Mobile Meth - Mobile meth production

yep :frowning: dont see any errors. sorry im being a pain in the butt. I don’t know if it matters but I did change your items to the old limit system instead of weight. so that and my version of meth_pooch use the limit system. I don’t think that would mess with anything but It is something that I did. I did not change any other coding.

wait wait I did check my console,

[91mSCRIPT ERROR: @esx_mobilemeth/server/main.lua:28: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘canCarryItem’)e[0m

the f8 menu was not showing anything

AddEventHandler('esx_mobilemeth:server:giveMeth', function()
    local sourcePlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
    local amount = math.random(2, 5)
    if sourcePlayer.canCarryItem('meth_pooch', amount) then
        sourcePlayer.addInventoryItem('meth_pooch', amount)
        sourcePlayer.showNotification("You can't carry this amount of bags...")

Are you running on legacy 1.2 ESX?

heck that’s probably it. Started the server back in early November 2019. Honestly I can get around a lot of different settings. Tiny bit of codeing here and there. Was to afraid to update to the newest version of es_exteneded. Was really worried i would have to start a cascade of different things that needed to be fixed.

Yeah, thats probably it, since older versions are working with a limit system. This one is working with the weight system.

If you want I can add a config option to toggle weight to limit system, then you don’t necessarily need to update your ESX version.

That would be amazing!! I know converting everything to the weight system was something I was never going to do. I been lucky enough with a lot of scripts in the past just to use items I already have in the data base. If you could make a toggle or something It would be amazing!!! Thank you 3000!


  • Added config option to toggle between ESX limit and weight system
    Config.usingWeight = true - Set to false when you’re using ESX limit system instead of weight.

Update got reverted and did it again since there was a nil value error on item count when using ESX Limit system, should be fixed now.

It doesn’t show notifications on my map.

Bad and stolen script.

Stolen? :’) and you are? A ghost?

Hi, the script works fine except for when i start producing, it will give me an error: [script:esx_mobilemet] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_mobilemeth/server/main.lua:36: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘sourceItem’)

i’m using the limit system and i’ve changed it in the config file but it still won’t work.
Any help? Thanks!

ich finde es schön dass immer die Links die dazu gibt es nie funktionieren oder die gibt’s nicht mehr warum ist das eigentlich so
ich finde das eine Frechheit davon

I think it’s nice that the links that are there never work or they don’t exist anymore, why is that actually the case?
I think it’s a disgrace