Esx_menu_default and esx_shops

Hello im using this esx_menu_default: [Release] esx_menu_default edited to looks like gtaonline and the original esx_shops and I tried to make different header for different shops.

I tried this but it didn’t work:

config.lua (esx_shops) :

Config.Zones = {

	TwentyFourSeven = {
		Items = {},
		Pos = {
			{x = 373.875,   y = 325.896,  z = 102.566, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'},
			{x = 2557.458,  y = 382.282,  z = 107.622, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'},
			{x = -3038.939, y = 585.954,  z = 6.908, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'},
			{x = -3241.927, y = 1001.462, z = 11.830, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'},
			{x = 547.431,   y = 2671.710, z = 41.156, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'},
			{x = 1961.464,  y = 3740.672, z = 31.343, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'},
			{x = 2678.916,  y = 3280.671, z = 54.241, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'},
			{x = 1729.216,  y = 6414.131, z = 34.037, icon = 52, color = 2, name = '24/7 Supermarkt', header = 'superete'}

	RobsLiquor = {
		Items = {},
		Pos = {
			{x = 1135.808,  y = -982.281,  z = 45.415, icon = 52, color = 3, name = 'Getränkemarkt', header = 'ammu'},
			{x = -1222.915, y = -906.983,  z = 11.326, icon = 52, color = 3, name = 'Getränkemarkt', header = 'ammu'},
			{x = -1487.553, y = -379.107,  z = 39.163, icon = 52, color = 3, name = 'Getränkemarkt', header = 'ammu'},
			{x = -2968.243, y = 390.910,   z = 14.043, icon = 52, color = 3, name = 'Getränkemarkt', header = 'ammu'},
			{x = 1166.024,  y = 2708.930,  z = 37.157, icon = 52, color = 3, name = 'Getränkemarkt', header = 'ammu'},
			{x = 1392.562,  y = 3604.684,  z = 33.980, icon = 52, color = 3, name = 'Getränkemarkt', header = 'ammu'}

	LTDgasoline = {
		Items = {},
		Pos = {
			{x = -48.519,   y = -1757.514, z = 28.421, icon = 52, color = 1, name = 'Tankstelle', header = 'superete3'},
			{x = 1163.373,  y = -323.801,  z = 68.205, icon = 52, color = 1, name = 'Tankstelle', header = 'superete3'},
			{x = -707.501,  y = -914.260,  z = 18.215, icon = 52, color = 1, name = 'Tankstelle', header = 'superete3'},
			{x = -1820.523, y = 792.518,   z = 137.118, icon = 52, color = 1, name = 'Tankstelle', header = 'superete3'},
			{x = 1698.388,  y = 4924.404,  z = 41.063, icon = 52, color = 1, name = 'Tankstelle', header = 'superete3'}

	Bar = {
		Items = {},
		Pos = {
			{x = 127.830,   y = -1284.796, z = 28.280, icon = 121, color = 8, name = 'Vanilla Unicorn', header = 'superete'},
			{x = -1393.409, y = -606.624,  z = 29.319, icon = 93, color = 44, name = 'Bahamamas', header = 'superete'},
			{x = -559.906,  y = 287.093,   z = 81.176, icon = 93, color = 44, name = 'Tequi-la-la', header = 'superete'}

	WeedShop = {
		Items = {},
		Pos = {
			{x = -1172.37,   y = -1572.29, z = 3.66, icon = 496, color = 2, name = 'Smoke on the Water', header = 'superete'}


client/main.lua (esx_shops) :

function OpenShopMenu(zone)
	local elements = {}
	for i=1, #Config.Zones[zone].Items, 1 do
		local item = Config.Zones[zone].Items[i]

		table.insert(elements, {
			label      = ('%s - <span style="color:green;">%s</span>'):format(item.label, _U('shop_item', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(item.price))),
			itemLabel = item.label,
			item       = item.item,
			price      = item.price,

			-- menu properties
			value      = 1,
			type       = 'slider',
			min        = 1,
			max        = 100


	for k,v in pairs(Config.Zones) do
		for i = 1, #v.Pos, 1 do
			ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'shop', {
				css = v.Pos[i].header,
				title    = _U('shop'),
				align    = 'bottom-right',
				elements = elements
			}, function(data, menu)
				ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'shop_confirm', {
					title    = _U('shop_confirm', data.current.value, data.current.itemLabel, ESX.Math.GroupDigits(data.current.price * data.current.value)),
					align    = 'bottom-right',
					elements = {
						{label = _U('no'),  value = 'no'},
						{label = _U('yes'), value = 'yes'}
				}}, function(data2, menu2)
					if data2.current.value == 'yes' then
						TriggerServerEvent('esx_shops:buyItem', data.current.item, data.current.value, zone)

				end, function(data2, menu2)
			end, function(data, menu)

				currentAction     = 'shop_menu'
				currentActionMsg  = _U('press_menu')
				currentActionData = {zone = zone}

But it didn’t open the different Header. How could I fix this?

Thanks for the help

Is there any Error?

There are no Errors. The Header is “ammu” on every shop I try to open

Be careful where you post next time. This is #server-development:essentialmode related

1 Like

Okay im sorry

It seems that the Shop uses 1 Header for every Shop. When I restart the resource he uses another different Header for all Shops

Fixed! If any1 needs help with this send me pm.

bro can you help me with my server

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