[ESX]Log Money Transfers [Tutorial]

sorry for my bad English and the code that will happen to them is in Spanish anyway I hope it helps them,

I managed to make it recognize or work and here I share this, since originally it was not my idea, I hope it works for them and they give it good use.

1. install this.


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `transferir_vehiculo` (
  `Envia` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Placa` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Recibe` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Vehicle Transfer Information';

find in esx_vehicleshop/server/main.lua

print("Did not transfer") 

and above that he writes/paste this.

            MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO transferir_vehiculo (Envia, Placa, Recibe)VALUES (@Envia, @Placa, @Recibe) ',
		['@Envia']   = myName,
		['@Placa']   = plate,
		['@Recibe']    = targetSteamName


with this should be, restart server and you should have it working: D


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EDIT: okay it works, but the receiver’s name doesn’t come up.

look alls replys

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install heidiSQL

Hello, sorry for my stupid question. here my line from 290 to 300

				TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', target,  _U('received_item', itemCount, ESX.Items[itemName].label, sourceXPlayer.name))

		-->	TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('imp_invalid_quantity')) <-- line 294

	elseif type == 'item_money' then

		if itemCount > 0 and sourceXPlayer.getMoney() >= itemCount then

should i add there? sorry im still newbie

Also do have an Idea how can I log every single time someone gets xPlayer.addmoney? I would like to to track whenever a person earns money from player/jobs.etc

Do you know how?

why doesn’t it work?
I checked on the db not entered.

To those who have issues, change [@Reciver] to [@Reciever]

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Thank for notifying me of the mispelling, I’ve fixed it in the original Post Appreciate it

Also, it doesn’t log bank for me.

Would you be able to show your es_extended file?

Any updated version for the latest es_extended?

hi everyone!
where shoud i add it to this???

Do you know how to log bank?

You must search item_money and item_account and paste that after : TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', target, _U('received_account_money', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(itemCount), Config.AccountLabels[itemName], sourceXPlayer.name))

If you want to log with banking system you can do this :slight_smile:

AddEventHandler('bank:transfer', function(to, amountt)
	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
	local zPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(to)
	local balance = 0
	local playerName = GetPlayerName(_source)
	local playerName2 = GetPlayerName(to)

	if(zPlayer == nil or zPlayer == -1) then
		TriggerClientEvent('bank:result', _source, "error", "Destinatario no encontrado.")
		balance = xPlayer.getAccount('bank').money
		zbalance = zPlayer.getAccount('bank').money
		if tonumber(_source) == tonumber(to) then
			TriggerClientEvent('bank:result', _source, "error", "No puedes transferirte a ti mismo.")
			if balance <= 0 or balance < tonumber(amountt) or tonumber(amountt) <= 0 then
				TriggerClientEvent('bank:result', _source, "error", "No tienes suficiente dinero en el banco.")
				xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('bank', tonumber(amountt))
				zPlayer.addAccountMoney('bank', tonumber(amountt))
                MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier", {
                    ['@identifier'] = zPlayer.identifier,
                }, function(result)
                    if result[1] then
                        local name = result[1].firstname .. " " .. result[1].lastname
                        MySQL.Async.fetchAll("INSERT INTO transfer (type, identifier, price, name) VALUES (@type, @identifier, @price, @name)", {
                            ["@type"] = 1,
                            ["@identifier"] = xPlayer.identifier,
                            ["@price"] = amountt,
                            ["@name"] = name
                        }, function(results)
			   MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier", {
                    ['@identifier'] = xPlayer.identifier,
                }, function(result)
                    if result[1] then
                        local name = result[1].firstname .. " " .. result[1].lastname
                        MySQL.Async.fetchAll("INSERT INTO transfer (type, identifier, price, name) VALUES (@type, @identifier, @price, @name)", {
                            ["@type"] = 2,
                            ["@identifier"] = zPlayer.identifier,
                            ["@price"] = amountt,
                            ["@name"] = name
                        }, function(resultss)
				TriggerClientEvent('bank:result', _source, "success", "Transferencia efectuada.")