[ESX] GC-Inventory | Free [Release] | Out of support (NO SUPPORT WILL BE PROVIDED ANYMORE)

Nice inventory hud


accountData.dura = “”

just above table.insert(items, accountData) as you can see in the screenshot

result :slight_smile:
TADA it’s gone !

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what is the problem plz

did u get a fix?

Did you get this fixed at all?

I use this GitHub - XxFri3ndlyxX/esx_illegal_drugs: This is the old esx_drugs but it say that my inventory is already full, which is not the case. Any idea ?
Update : I found out that the command is :

if PlayersHarvestingWeed[source] == true then
            local weed = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('weed')
            if not xPlayer.canCarryItem('weed', weed.weight) then
                xPlayer.addInventoryItem('weed', 1)

Maybe i should replace some of them but idk ? :confused:

my gun doesn’t go into my hand, how can i solve this

Did u manage to fix this?

it’s a great inventory, just wondering if it’s possible that you can make a item limit version instead of weight based?

had the same problem with ambulancejob so i just removed the weight check

Ok so i installed this … The menu work i can put items in the quickbar and use them … but now i can’t give/drop money… and i cant put guns in the quickbar?? it also block the mouse wheel menu so we can’t take out weapons from there??

Absolutely not sure how we’re supposed to use weapons now… and YES ive added the weapon sql the my DB… still cant place them in quickbar or use weapons tho

Any help ??

Yo dude did you fix this?

No i didn’t fix

Weapons dont work when i do /giveitem (id) WEAPON_PISTOL 1, and when I do /giveweapon (id) weapon_pistol (ammo) it doesn’t even come up on the inventory


i get this when my server loads up i added items pics to it than this started happing

I have a problem, when i do /giveitem 1 WEAPON_PISTOL 1 i get this errors

How can i fix it?

I am having this error

Also when I open the inventory, esx_addoninvectory opens together

I get attempt to comapre number with table, and some times i cant drag my items to glovebox or hotbar

WHERE are this code