ESX Gangs, Gang Turf Wars

will reply with an update soon if possible

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how can link between gang and turf

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this doesnt work

hello, If you have a working copy of this script, would you mind sending it to me please? I have one error I can’t get rid of.

how did you set the job ingame ?
plz reply

I need please

hey would u be able to send me the link

I need it please

can i get it too please

need this plz

So I have this full functioning but it doesn’t not include /leavegang. So every time someone wants to join a new gang or leave a gang they have to call admin. Anyone have a fix for this ?

I am having the same issue as well. If anyone has a fix for this /leavegang that would be great, Its a hassle a admin has to remove someone from a gang if they want to leave gang and or join a new gang. I’m on v1 Final as well.

Edit: I managed to get this working by adding my own “RegisterCommand” to the server.lua.

Anyone know how to make it so dead players dont count for winning the turf. I have a problem where people just stay in the turf when they are dead and they still win the turf.

bruh kyza u everywhere

I need it

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Copy and paste this into your server.lua file

RegisterCommand(“leavegang”, function(src, args, raw)
local source = src
local l_gang = getPlayerGang(source)
local l_rank = l_gang ~= nil and getPlayerRank(source, l_gang) or nil
if (l_gang ~= nil and l_rank ~= nil) then
local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
end, false)


This make me this command line: Error parsing script @esx_gangs/server.lua in resource esx_gangs: @esx_gangs/server.lua:704: unexpected symbol near '<\226>'

I need it

I’m having a problem when I am running the script. It all works fine until it gets to line 71 where it says, “SCRIPT ERROR: @Villainous-Gangs/server.lua:721: attempt to call a nil value.” The code at that line says

Earlier it says zones = Config.Zones and in Config.Zones it’s a table with all the RZ’s and I can’t figure out why it won’t work if someone can help.