[ESX] [FREE] Dispatch notifications

looks dope, trynna figure out how to implement it in esx_carthief, wish me luck

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Hey, what command has been written to send a dispatch? i tried the phrase from your video, but i received no message.

Any held?

Cool ! I have a script of vehiclerobbery at a random position is this possible to send the notification at the same random position where the vehicle has been robbed ?

Why youtube link doesn’t work anymore?

To anyone who didnt understand how to use this:

You need to copy the little snippet that @zThundy provided and register a CLIENT event in YOUR SCRIPT. So if you want a command to automatically call a dispatch code, create a client.lua file and register a command with the dispatch table and create a logic based on a job, license or whatever you want to trigger the server event (svnotify).

So heres a detailed version of what i said:

  1. First figure what you, a command etc (the example i will provide is a command

  2. Create a random client.lua (with fxmanifest or __resource)

  3. Create your code, you can base it on mine:

`RegisterCommand(‘cod1’, function(source, args, rawCommand)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerData()
local job = xPlayer.job.name
local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local coords = GetEntityCoords(player)

local dispatch1 = {
    code = "Código 1",
    street = GetStreetAndZone(),
    id = randomId(),
    priority = 1,
    title = "teste",
    position = {
        x = coords.x,
        y = coords.y,
        z = coords.z
    blipname = "Test dispatch",
    color = 2,
    sprite = 304,
    fadeOut = 60,
    duration = 10000,
    officer = "test",
    job = job, 

if job == 'police' or job == 'gnr' then
    TriggerServerEvent("dispatch:svNotify", dispatch1)
elseif job == nil then
    exports['okokNotify']:Alert('Sem permissão', 'Não és policia', 5000, 'warning', true)


(its in portuguese but you can figure it out, i cant give you everything too lol), i added a simple okokNotify export to make sure no one outside of ‘police’ or ‘gnr’ jobs can use the command (well they couldnt before anyways)

  1. You also need to create or copy the functions provided in the esx_dispatch.config file to handle getStreetAndZone() and randomId()

  2. Your done. Make sure u have 3 logics: Command and 2 functions. Save it and run it after running esx_dispatch

I get it why so many people got confused, wasnt explained in the best way possible (mostly its because english is not OP’s first language) but hey its ok.

Also @zThundy “officer” cannot be called as a dynamic name (or at least im stupid and idk) cause im trying to dynamically call a the command summoner name and it returns “invalid”. So if you are interested in improving this script i would recommend to add that dinamic range to officer

Also realized that i added a line called job in your snippet. Basically i locked that command to only show notification to the job of the player job.

Lemme me know if you need any more informations (im not a pro, just a guy learning too)

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Also cfx.forum text formatting went bonkers lol