[ESX] [FREE] BryaN Airdrops

Hello for sound add this in the client lua :

local soundID = GetSoundId()

in the function SpawnObject = function(id, coords) at line 145/147
add this after local obj = CreateObject(model, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, false, false, true) :

PlaySoundFromEntity(soundID, “Crate_Beeps”, obj, “MP_CRATE_DROP_SOUNDS”, true, 0)

and at line 104-107 in ShowLocations = function() after
if IsControlJustPressed(1, 51) then
Config.ProgressBar(_U(‘progress_bar_picking_up’), Config.Airdrops.CollectTime * 1000)
TriggerServerEvent(‘bryan_airdrops:pickupAirdrop’, v.id)

add this :


Enjoy :wink:


No, I mean I don’t like the idea of sound playing when airdrop is dropped.

can do it also for cars ? :slight_smile:

You mean vehicle would drop down with parachute or when you unbox player get’s the vehicle? :sweat_smile:

both would be cool. but otherwise what is possible for you

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i cant loot the airdrop , im use ox inventory , how to fix it

is it possible that you create a version for qbcore aswell?

Not familiar with it. But I guess I can try.

would be awesome because im to stupid

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Im getting the issue where the airdrop falls through the ground, any solution for this?

i had this issue but no fix was ever released

My apologies, but I tested and didn’t seem to find that bug where it falls through the ground. Perhaps there is no collision on map point where your airdrops are set up?

did flares get added to this?

I have the inventory but have no idea how to change " exports[‘inventory’]:Progress({".
can help me?

Chezza Studios | Inventar

getPlayerWeight - Chezza Studios (gitbook.io)

Is it possible to drop it at the location of whoever runs the airdrop command? i tried to implement it but it was dropping it at the location of everyone in the server

Updated the script. Sorry for the wait, it was summer time :sweat_smile: . I believe most of the requests have been fulfilled and also will start working on QBCore version.

For those people that airdrop doesn’t spawn, try setting coordinate z 150.0 and above. This update should fix it either way.

Thank you, I’ll give a try :slight_smile:


By the way, I made a spanish translation adding locales/es.lua:

Locales['es'] = {
    -- Command
    ['command_help'] = 'Desplegar un Suministro Aéreo',
    ['command_args_lootTable'] = 'ID de Botín en la Tabla| No Necesario',
    ['command_error_loottable_not_found'] = '(ID: %s) de Botín No Encontrado en la Tabla',

    -- 3D Text
    ['3d_press_to_pickup'] = 'Presiona [E] para coger el Suministro Aéreo',

    -- Progress Bar
    ['progress_bar_picking_up'] = 'Cogiendo el Suministro Aéreo',

    -- Notification
    ['notification_airdrop_spawned'] = '¡Un Suministro Aéreo ha sido Desplegado!',

    -- Blip
    ['blip_name'] = 'Suministro Aéreo',

Edit 2:

I got this error after restart:

[script:bryan_airdrop] SCRIPT ERROR: @bryan_airdrop/server.lua:97: attempt to mutate a vector value (local 'coords')
[script:bryan_airdrop] > SpawnAirdrop (@bryan_airdrop/server.lua:97)
[script:bryan_airdrop] > StartAirdropLoop (@bryan_airdrop/server.lua:53)
[script:bryan_airdrop] > fn (@bryan_airdrop/server.lua:13)
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my airdrops were setup at different locations around the map such as sidewalks, roads, parking lots, etc. I tried a few different ones and it was more hit or miss. Sometimes the airdrops would fall through the map and sometimes they wouldnt, my solution to this was to just make the airdrop appear rather than do the whole falling thing because I couldnt get the airdrop to ever stop without falling through. Did your most recent update address this issue?

It should’ve fixed the issue. If you could, please send your coordinates and I will gladly test it for you :slight_smile:

That error should be fixed now. Try it out

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