[ESX] esx_voice broken?

Me and a friend testing voice chat today and discovered its not functioning even though image is turning blue when we use push to talk.
We cannot hear each other at any range and our characters mouths only seem to move client side.
We have tried disabling vMenu voice interactions entirely in case of conflict (which actually work but we have limited the vMenu to admins only so the voip there will not be used) and we have messed with our audio input devices both ingame and in the windows settings.

Help would be very much appreciated. Thank you! :kissing_heart:

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What artifacts build are you running, cause i remember someone having a simulair issue, that being said he updated his artifacts and that resolved it.

Hi! it is an FXserver on Zaphosting. is that what you mean? im a bit new to this but getting there! :joy: thank you

Everything seems to be updated version 21.1.6 i dont know why this is happening i can’t find a similar issue anywhere that doesn’t relate to someone not setting up their VOIP in the pause menu -_-


Update to the latest artifacts, and let us know the outcome, that or whatever u do on zap-hosting to update.

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